School Days

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The first day of classes has been quite calm so far. The Class-A students had a long day of regular subjects - math, physis, chemistry, history, etc. Somehow, Yuta survived Cronos' classes and wasn't even much bothered by him.

At the end of the afternoon, the students leave the classroom for physical education. The boys gather in one of the school's courts, along with the lovely Professor Emi Ayukawa, and play volleyball.

_ Chance ball!

_ Sho!

_ Oh-oh...

Sho tries to jump and spike the ball Yuta tossed for him, but slips and falls on the floor. All the boys laugh while Yuta and Daichi help him to get up. Professor Ayukawa blows her whistle and screams from the side of the court.

_ Hey there, boys! Accidents happen, calm down. Come here, Marufuji-kun, are you okay?

_ I-I think I twisted an ankle...

_ Hmmm... Let me see. Go to the locker room and take a shower. If it still hurts after that, I'll take you to the nursery, okay?

Sho leaves the court, crestfallen. Yuta is a little worried about his friend but decides talking to him later. Before the boys return to the volleyball match, the same black haired and paled skin guy who was sitting next to Yuta brags from the other side of the net.

_ How pathetic! That idiot can't even play a volleyball match until the end and still wants to become a professional duelist?

Yuta looks at him with an angry expression while the boy laughs.

_ Ha ha ha! What? What is this? A Slifer Red rebellion? You don't intimidate me, slacker.

Daichi holds Yuta's shoulder and asks him to calm down. The professor calls their attention once again and they finally resume the match. Now, Yuta is giving all he got to defeat that arrogant boy.

In the locker room, Sho finishes his shower. Like the Professor said, his ankle doesn't hurt that much anymore. He walks to his locker and opens it up, getting his clothes. Among them, there's a letter. Curious, Sho picks it up and reads:

"Meet me at the Obelisk Blue's dorm tonight. I have something important to tell you. Love, Tenjouin Asuka"

Sho turns completely red. Is that serious? Asuka has a crush on him? That would make sense since she greets him everytime they see each other, right? Maybe during their older brothers' long friendship, she developed feelings for Sho. He puts the letter in his pocket and starts planning on how to meet the beautiful girl that night.

Meanwhile, on the court, Yuta's team wins by a solid 2-0. Daichi hugs Yuta in joy, celebrating their great teamwork while the gray haired boy is exhausted. He really tryharded this match. The arrogant boy looks enraged from the other side of net. Yuta laughs and provokes him.

_ Wait, you can't even win a simple volleyball match and wants to become a pro? What's wrong?

The boy gets mad after Yuta's taunt and starts stomping in his direction. His teammates hold him while Daichi pulls Yuta back. The Professor Ayukawa blows loud her whistle to stop the clutter.

_ C'mon, boys! I know you're very competitive but that's just a casual match, okay? Chill. Go take a shower and I'll see you next class, okay? Bye! <3

Yuta takes his shower and leaves the locker room. He doesn't see Sho there. He's probably feeling down about what happened earlier. Since it's starting to dusk, Yuta decides to pass through a small grocery store next to the Academy and buy some junk food. Maybe a night watching movies will cheer Sho up.

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