Crocodile Girl

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While Yuta and Johan held their duel, the backstage of the GenEx Tournament was a bustling hive of activity. Crew members wearing headsets and holding clipboards rushed around, coordinating the live TV broadcast. Giant screens displayed the ongoing duel on the main stage, their monsters clashing in a fierce battle that was being broadcast to millions of fans worldwide.

Amid the organized chaos, Jun sat in a corner of the backstage area. News were spreading about his new flamboyant persona and sharp style - and today was no exception. Jun's spiky black hair contrasting with his fine and expensive clothing made him instantly recognizable, even in the chaotic environment.

On the other side of the backstage area, Jenny Cook, the stunning australian duelist, sat on a folding chair, her long, curly black hair cascading down her shoulders. Her eyes meet Jun, attracted by his flashy aura.

_ Hey, Jun... You seem a bit too serious for this place. Care for some company?

Jun glanced at her but remained stoic, his eyes fixed on the TV screen.

_ I'm kind of busy right now.

Undeterred, Jenny leaned in closer, her voice dripping with sweet flirtatiousness. She got close enough for Jun to start feeling the girl's warm breathing right next to him

_ You know, Jun, I've been watching you for a while, and I have to say, you're quite the duelist...

Jun, clearly annoyed, finally turned his attention away from the duel on the screen to give Jenny a quick once-over.

_ Thanks, but I'm really not interested.

However, the Crocodile Girl, with her persistence as unshakable as her reputation, wasn't ready to give up. She leaned even closer, her lips dangerously close to Jun's ear.

_ Really? Then, how about a little bet to pass the time?

Jun raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite himself. His competitive instincts always got the best of him, anyway.

_ A bet? What do you have in mind?

Jenny smirked

_ You know, this is my first time in Tokyo, so... If I win our upcoming duel, you take me out on a date. 

_ That's really not gonna happen. So, what's up for me when I win?

Somehow, Jenny manages to lean herself even closer.

_ You can ask me ANYTHING you want.

Jun seemed puzzled. Why would that weird girl want to go out with him? As far as he knew, they were nothing more than adversaries in a tournament. As if realizing Jun's thoughts, Jenny's eyes sparkled as she grinned.

_ You know, Junnie... You look a bit like Jungkook from BTS, and I think he's really cool.

Jun couldn't help but chuckle at Jenny's unexpected revelation. Before the boy could give his awaited answer, one of the sweaty TV crew members approached them. He stops for a second, amused with how close they are to one another at that point. He clears his throat.

_ A-alright, competitors, it's time to head to the main stage. Hikari just defeated Andersen, so you're up next.

Jun smiles. He knew that slacker would win since the beginning. Jenny even feels a slight jealousy for that uncanny display of affection towards his ex-classmate. In a sudden, Jun stands up and turns his attention back to the Crocodile Girl.

_ First, I don't even look like Jungkook; I look more like Jin. Second, there's nothing that a country girl could offer that would interest me.

The backstage atmosphere was electric as Jun and Jenny were guided by the TV crew staff toward the main stage. They walked side by side, the anticipation in the air palpable. The crew members, wearing headsets and carrying cables, led them through a labyrinth of corridors, their footsteps echoing in the dimly lit passages.

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