
566 16 3

As Yuta screams those words, the heated atmosphere of the burning forest freezes for a moment. The spirit halts, Asuka looks at Yuta in utter shock, but the determined expression in the boy's face doesn't fade away. The endless silence that lasted for a couple of seconds is broken by the spirit's rispy voice once more.

_ Heh heh heh.... A Shadow Game, it is? All right, boy! What are your terms?

_ A duel. 8000 LP each. If you lose, you leave us alone and return to wherever you came from.

_ And what if I win?

_ I'll give you this goddamn card you want!

_ Challenge... Accepted!

The area is slowly surrounded by a dark mist that blacks out the light coming from the fire. The heat turns to cold. The ground, once covered by grass and soil, now feels hard as black stone tiles emerge. In front of both Yuta and the knight, two altars arise from the floor, where the duel fields are placed upon.

_ What's happening, Yuta-kun?

Asuka whispers as she grabs the boy's arm with strength. Yuta can see that she's still trying to process everything that's going on - and is obviously very scared.

_ Don't worry, I'll get us out of this...

Yuta smiles, trying to comfort Asuka. It's clear to her that he's been into similar situations before. The girl lets go of his arm as Yuta walks toward the stone altar in front of him. The spirit awaits, already standing behind its own.

_ You made the challenge, boy, you go first.

Yuta shuffles his deck and places it upon the stone field. He draws five cards, and without hesitation, starts making his move.

Yuta 8000 Mysterious Spirit 8000

_ Here I go! I activate my Spell Card: Photon Sanctuary! It allows me to Special Summon two Photon Tokens on my field, in defense position!

Photon Sanctuary

Photon Token 2000 ATK 0 DEF

Photon Token 2000 ATK 0 DEF

Two globes of light start shining in the center of the stone field, between Yuta and the spirit. Even with its limited power, their presence is strong enough to make it obvious that this is not a computer hologram - there really are two monsters on Yuta's field.

_ Now, I tribute both my tokens to Special Summon from my hand: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, arise!

Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon 3000 ATK 2500 DEF

The dim lights, that could be barely seen between the dark shadows surrounding the environment, give place to a strong, blue, bright light

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The dim lights, that could be barely seen between the dark shadows surrounding the environment, give place to a strong, blue, bright light. The Photon Dragon emerges and roars, making everything tremble. Shivers go down Asuka's spine in the presence of the dragon's might.

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