Brand New Slifer Red

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The scent of freshly cut grass and the excited chatter of students filled the air as classes returned from summer vacation at Duel Academy. The vibrant blue skies overhead and the picturesque view of the lake in the distance welcomed students back to their academic routines.

In Class-A, the first-year classroom, Yuta and Asuka sat in their usual spots, ready to tackle another semester. The classroom was spacious and well-lit, with the desks neatly arranged in rows. A large window offered a panoramic view of the great city of Tokyo. Posters of famous duelists adorned the walls, offering inspiration to aspiring duelists.

Around them were their classmates. The short and timid boy, Sho, sat nervously behind a stack of books. The methodical and athletic nerd, Daichi, was making sure his notes were in perfect order. The cute and ingenuous girl, Momo, couldn't contain her excitement as she chatted with her friends.

Yuta and Asuka exchanged glances, expecting a bit of commotion after revealing their relationship during summer break. To their surprise, their classmates seemed unfazed. In fact, Sho shrugged and sighed.

_ Finally. It was about time you two got together.

Daichi chimed in with a dry chuckle.

_ I was placing bets with Momo-chan on how long it would take you two.

Momo giggles.

_ See? I told you they'd be cute together!

The easy acceptance and warmth of their friends eased Yuta and Asuka's nerves. It was as if everyone had known all along.

Just as they settled back into the routine of school life, Manjoume Jun, the self-proclaimed "Manjoume Thunder," made a dramatic entrance. The room fell into an awkward silence as all eyes turned toward him. Jun's pale skin stood out even more than usual with something that captured all his classmates' attention - a red tie beneath his uniform. In a cheeky tone, a random voice in the classroom shouted

_ Hello there, Slifer Red!

Laughter erupted as Manjoume stomped up to the front of the class, standing like a lecturer ready to deliver a grand speech. He looked at the class, a mix of irritation and haughtiness on his face.

_ What's so funny, huh? Laugh all you want, but I'm only a Slifer Red because I missed those blasted final exams before summer!

He declared, his tone more entertaining than angry.

_ You can call me whatever you want, but remember, you're all still losers compared to the great Manjoume Thunder!

More laughter ensued, and the atmosphere lightened as the class settled into a mix of groans and grins. It seemed that even after summer vacation, Duel Academy was back to its usual blend of eccentric characters and good-natured humor.


The first day back at Duel Academy had come to a close, and as the final bell chimed, students spilled out of the classroom, chattering and making their way through the bustling halls. Yuta, Asuka, Sho, Daichi, and Momo walked together, sharing their experiences of the first day of the semester.

The hallways were alive with the energy of countless conversations. Students navigated the busy corridors, talking animatedly about classes, the upcoming dueling tournaments, and, of course, their summer vacations. Yuta couldn't help but smile at the familiar sight of the bustling academy.

Sho walked a bit more upright than usual, almost as if he had gained a bit of confidence during the vacation. He looked at Yuta and Asuka and couldn't resist sharing his perspective.

_ You two make quite the couple, you know. I mean, we all saw it coming!

Daichi nods in agreement.

_ Yes, it was only a matter of time. But you two should know that love is not the most important subject here. I've already calculated the odds for our next duel tournament.

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