Mount Sylvania

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The Manjoume Zaibatsu, founded in 1878, is one of the biggest business conglomerates in Japan. Its story survived through the many economic crisis that crossed the country along the twentieth century. Currently, the company consists in a robust corporate structure, linked together by many cross-shareholdings.

The Manjoume house was built upon two pillars: power and tradition. Each generation of the family must achieve excellence in one topic - those who don't do it, are considered a big dishonor to the bloodline.

Most Manjoumes applied their excellence inside the corporate world. After strict studying routines, they showed their value by contributing to the Zaibatsu's solidity in Japan's economy. Some others found their talents in different areas, like arts and sports. However, no matter how much far these Manjoume reached, they never received praise like those who chose the company's sake.

Then, there's Manjoume Jun. Born March 3rd, 2003, received the same name as the Manjoume Zaibatsu's original founder, Jun was about to shake his entire family's judgement. His excellence was shown in a card game. A goddamn card game.

May 5th, 2011

_ A card game? Really?

Manjoume Chosaku, 48 years, father of three, watches his youngest spawn play with some cards through the window of his big office. He closes the curtains to be left alone with the other two people in the room - his middle son, Shoji, 18, and his wife, Seiko, 42. Both sit on the couch, in the center of the office. Seiko takes a long sip from her tea while Shoji, who just recently graduated from High School and started working at the family's company, turns to his father.

_ At least he's talented. Really talented. I know it's stupid, papa, but this is the biggest thing among the kids today. Even the guys that studied with me play that. And trust me, Jun is already better than them.

Chosaku considers his son's words. Still, it's a kid's thing. What if this is just a phase? Nobody can predict how popular this game will be in the future. Plus, Chosaku knows he'll be a joke between his siblings at the next family reunion. Seiko gently lays the cup on the saucer, breaking her husband's thoughts with the clacking porcelain noise.

_ You're too harsh with him, darling. We already raised two exemplary children. If Shoji's saying it, I'm sure that Jun can become top tier at this game. It's like a sport, right, Shoji?

_ Thanks, mama...

The father now walks to their direction. Stopping in front of Shoji, the boy freezes in face of his father's absolute presence. Chosaku looks deep in his son's eyes, a look that Shoji has never received in his entire life.

_ For sure, you understand more about this game than I do. If I entrust Jun to your hands, Shoji, can you promise me that he will be the best player in the world?

Shoji's heart pumps. For a Manjoume, being directly entrusted with a task by one of the elders, your own father, is the biggest honor one can receive.

_ I promise, father! I will not rest until Jun becomes better than Yugi and Kaiba combined!

January 31st, 2016

_ Everyone, cheers for our champion! After an absolute win, Manjoume Jun reaches the top of our country with his powerful, unstoppable, Gladiator Beasts! Congratulations, Manjoume-kun!

The crowd stands and applauds the kid, who now lifts a big silver trophy. Jun has a big smile on his face - he really is a National Champion now. All the kids at school will be jealous and, finally, his father will respect him.

Meanwhile, watching from the bleachers, Shoji has an even bigger smile on his face. He knew it. As long as Jun has someone like him, managing his career, he will become the definitive King Of Games.

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