Adult's Business

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_ And with that, the first day of the Duel Monsters High School Tournament draws to a close. While many promising names advanced to the next stage, the real buzz among card game enthusiasts wasn't about the matches within the arena, but rather, an incident that occurred offstage.

_ After his defeat against the newcomer, Hikari Yuta, Edo Phoenix fell ill and collapsed on live television, in front of a global audience. The current runner-up now finds himself hospitalized, although his condition is reported to be stable at the moment.

_ On social media, an outpouring of support floods in for Phoenix, while debates rage over Yuta's victory. Should the match be invalidated? Could Yuta face disqualification? Referees weigh in on the matter, explaining that...

The low, flickering glow of the television casts shadows along the dim hospital hallway where Yuta sits alone, anxiously awaiting updates on Edo's condition. It's impossible to shake the heavy burden of guilt that weighs upon the young duelist at this moment.

Yuta's phone buzzes incessantly with calls from his mother, yet he can't bring himself to answer. All he craves is solitude, to fade into obscurity. To forget. To be forgotten. With a weary swipe, he dismisses his mother, adding her to the long list of missed calls - his father's, his brother's, Asuka's, and even Professor Ayukawa's.

_ Yuta!

At the far end of the corridor, two familiar figures emerge. Asuka rushes towards her boyfriend, eager to envelop him in a comforting embrace, while Jun follows behind, a calm presence in the midst of chaos.

_ Everyone's been in a turmoil, trying to reach you!

Asuka exclaims, concern etched across her features.

_ Did they disqualify you?

Jun inquires, his gaze fixed on Yuta's downturned face.

Yuta remains silent, his head bowed as Asuka gently wipes away his tears. Only when Jun presses for answers does Yuta lift his gaze to meet his friend's eyes.

_ It was Erebus... Again.

Yuta finally confesses, his voice thick with emotion.

_ He possessed Edo's body and dragged us into a Shadow Duel right there on stage. He wanted the Winged Dragon of Ra... Edo... He was...

Yuta's voice falters, the weight of his guilt threatening to overwhelm him.

_ I... I gave him the card.

Asuka and Jun's eyes widen in shock, their expressions a mix of disbelief and concern.

_ You what?!

_ Yuta, Ishizu-san said...

The duo is cut off by Yuta's outburst. His frustration boils over, with tears mixing in anger.

_ I know what she said! But she also promised to help, didn't she? Where is she, Asuka? Do you know?

In response, Asuka simply wraps him in a tighter embrace, offering silent comfort as Yuta's emotions pour forth in a torrent of tears. Meanwhile, Jun stands by in stoic silence, a steadfast presence amidst the turmoil.

Their moment of solace is interrupted by the arrival of an imposing figure - a tall man clad in sunglasses and a sharp suit. Asuka continues to hold Yuta close, while Jun steps forward to confront the newcomer.

_ It's not Hikari's fault that Phoenix fell ill! You can't disqualify him!

With a calm demeanor, the man picks a tiny card from his pocket and extends it to Jun.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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