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The night had been restless for Asuka. She had tossed and turned in her bed, the stifling heat of the summer night clinging to her like a suffocating blanket. Her dreams had been a chaotic jumble of images and emotions, leaving her in a state of distress and confusion.

But it wasn't the dreams that had finally awakened her. It was a voice calling her name. A voice she knew all too well, yet, slightly different - cold, menacing, and tinged with an otherworldly aura.

Asuka's eyes shot open, her body drenched in sweat, and she sat up in bed. The room was shrouded in darkness, the only source of illumination being the soft moonlight filtering in through the open window. And there, at the window, stood her brother.

Fubuki's silhouette was unmistakable, but his appearance was anything but normal. Despite being known for his striking handsomeness, his familiar face now seemed almost unrecognizable. His raven-black hair, typically impeccable, hung disheveled around his face.

What truly sent a shiver down Asuka's spine, however, was the sinister mask that covered his left eye. It was a grotesque, contorted visage, etched with intricate designs that seemed to writhe in the dim moonlight. The eerie glow emanating from behind the mask's eye socket added an unsettling quality to the mask, as though it concealed some unspeakable horror.

Fubuki's clothing, too, had undergone a sinister transformation. His once-fashionable attire now bore a somber aesthetic, with dark, tattered fabrics that seemed to absorb the very light around him. The intricate patterns that once adorned his clothes had been replaced by ominous symbols etched in crimson, creating a stark contrast to his usual stylish appearance.

Asuka could hardly believe her eyes. The gentle, familiar face of her brother had been distorted into something unrecognizable, a terrifying manifestation of a malevolent presence that had taken control.

_ You're not Fubuki... Who are you?

The figure at the window smirked, revealing a twisted grin that bore no resemblance to her brother's warm smile.

_ I am Erebus. Now, my soul resides within your brother's vessel.

Asuka's heart raced, her mind struggling to comprehend the impossible.

_ What have you done to my brother?

Erebus chuckled, a sound that sent a chill down Asuka's spine.

_ Fear not, dear... "Sister". Your brother still exists within this vessel, but I have taken control for a time.

Desperation clawed at Asuka's chest as she clutched the bedsheets.

_ What do you want?

Erebus leaned in closer, his right eye, the one uncovered by the mask, locked onto hers with an unnerving intensity.

_ I know that you possess knowledge of the Winged Dragon of Ra. I want you to deliver it to me within the next six days, or you will never see your precious brother again.

Tears welled up in Asuka's eyes as she pleaded.

_ Please, don't harm my family...

Erebus's gaze remained unyielding, and he turned toward the window. 

_ You know where to find Fubuki. I know you kept in touch with him, hidden from your parents.

With those final words, Erebus melted into the shadows of the night and disappeared through the open window, leaving Asuka alone in her room, trembling and terrified.


Asuka awoke once more, the morning sun casting a warm glow over her bed. The events of the night had left her in a state of confusion, and for a moment, she questioned whether it had all been a terrible dream. But as she sat up in bed, the memories flooded back. The sinister presence, the demands, and the ominous ultimatum. It had all felt too real to be a mere dream.

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