Winner and Loser

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The GenEx Tournament is a special event hosted by the Duel Academy. Each of the Academy's four units spread around the world select one of their first years to compete between each other in a tournament, globally broadcasted.

This year's GenEx Tournament will occur in the Japan's unit, in the end of June. Students from the United States, Denmark and Australia are coming to Tokyo to see who's the best freshman.

Now, on the first day of June, this is all that occupies the first years' heads. Including, of course, Yuta.

The last couple of months have been quite ordinary, actually. Yuta studied, made some friends, one enemy - Manjoume Jun - and even something that could only be explained as a "strange relationship" with Tenjouin Asuka. They occasionally talk, but since that night in the forest, there is this weird atmosphere between the couple.

About evil card spirits that want to steal Yuta's Winged Dragon Of Ra, luckily, that didn't happen again.

The bell rings, this is the ending of the regular classes of friday. Now, the students gather to the most awaited event of the day - the duel activity. All indicates that Cronos will select their GenEx representative today.

Yuta and Sho walk to the Duel Arena, passing through the big garden in the campus. Different of what Yuta expected, Sho doesn't seem worried at all. On the contrary, the little boy smiles looking at the screen of his phone.

_ Is it Momo again?

_ Hm? Ah, yes. She wants to see me after the duel activity.

_ You two really are a thing now, huh?

Yuta envies his friend a little bit. He and Asuka could be in the same situation, if it wasn't for that Monarch. On the other hand, Yuta really feels happy for Sho. Since they met, the little boy has never been so confident.

_ You're not even worried about the GenEx Tournament now, are you?

_ Hm? No, not really. I don't believe I can be selected anyway.

_ Well, at least you're honest.

_ You are the one that should represent us, Yuta-kun!

_ What? Don't say things like these... It's embarrassing, you know?

_ Hah hah! I mean it. Plus, you'd probably be the first Slifer Red to win the GenEx.

This makes Yuta daydream. The GenEx Tournament is one of the greatest opportunities for young duelists in the world. Winning can make you recognized worldwide. Winning it as a Slifer Red, then? That would be historical.

Yuta smiles.

All the first year students now gather in the Duel Arena, eager to hear Professor Cronos' pronouncement. The tall, slim man steps into the center, in a dramatic silence.

_ Well, well. I can feel the tension in the air. And I must say - I love it. In fact, kids, today we are going to start our GenEx Preliminaries!

Everyone starts to talk in a sudden. The large arena, a while ago filled with silence, now echoes with all the loud noises. The talking ends as soon as Cronos retains his speech.

_ AS I WAS SAYING... Good. From the first day of our dueling activities, I've been assessing your skills. As you can see in the screen right behind me, these are your scores so far.

The big screen above the arena, that's normally used to show duel details, now displays a list with the names of every first year students, followed by a number for each one.

_ The first four names in the list, please, step forward.

Yuta checks the big screen once again.

Misawa Daichi 755
Tenjouin Asuka 740
Hikari Yuta 720
Manjoume Jun 715

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