After the Storm

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_ What time is it?

Yuta opens his eyes. The bright light coming from the nursery's ceiling makes his head ache. His body feels heavy, but the boy makes an effort to get up and sit on the bed. Asuka is right by his side, on a chair.

_ It's morning. Professor Ayukawa found us in the forest a couple minutes after you passed out... We all thought you were badly hurt... But you just had some minor burns...

Yuta sees his bandaged arms. Everything is slowly coming back to mind now. The burning forest, the spirit, the Shadow Realm. He looks at Asuka again. The girl apparently took a shower, since she is not covered by soot and mud. But still, she looks concerned.

_ What about you? Are you okay?

_ It's hard to say... I mean, a lot of weird stuff happened yesterday. I didn't know those spirits actually existed. More than that, I had no idea you...

Yuta sighs.

_ Yeah... I can see them since I was a little kid. Most of them don't want any trouble but... From time to time, a crazy one shows up. Still, nothing like that giant one...

_ I'm scared, Yuta. I really thought you... I really thought you were going to die...

Asuka is clearly holding back her tears now. Yuta can't blame her. It was, indeed, a lot to take in. If that Monarch scared the hell out of him, imagine what it did to Asuka. He tries to choose the right words to calm her down, but nothing really comes to mind.

_ The Chancellor wants to see us, Yuta. Professor Ayukawa freaked out when she saw us there. They want an explanation. And I think we need to tell them the truth, even if they don't believe it.

_ Yeah, I agree. But only in half.

_ What do you mean?

_ It's with you, isn't it?

Asuka hesitates at first, but nods her head. She puts her hand through the collar of her shirt and takes out a pendant. Hanging on its tip, the Winged Dragon Of Ra, still a little covered by dirt.

_ We can't let anyone know about this, understand?

Deep down, Asuka strongly disagrees with Yuta. However, her head is too confused to express that. Instead, she only agrees and hands the card back to Yuta. While the boy puts the pendant around his neck, Asuka gets up and leaves the bedroom.

_ Get dressed. The Chancellor is waiting for us.


_ I know it seems like a crazy story, but you have to believe in us, sir!

Asuka says that fiercely, just like rehearsed. Yuta is unconcerned on his chair. He knows what comes next. There's no way the Chancellor believes he dueled a giant monster in a life or death Shadow Game. The Chancellor stands in front of a window that entirely covers one of the walls of his large office. Some seconds of suspense play out, as Yuta and Asuka can't see the Chancellor's face, that stares through the large glass.

_ I believe in you.

Yuta almost falls from his chair. Asuka's mouth opens up so wide that it could reach the floor. The Chancellor turns to them with a gentle smile from his face.

_ Y-you do?!

_ You know, Tenjouin, I've been working in this school for more than 15 years, since it was founded. Started as a teacher. Good times, those were. The first time I heard about students seeing card spirits, indeed, I thought they were crazy. But then, the second time... The third time... Until I lost the count. Hikari, you are not the first. And probably won't be the last.

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