Welcome to the Academy

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_ WHAT? Slifer Red? You gotta be kiddin' me...

Yuta holds the letter from Duel Academy in shock. Although he was approved with good grades in both the written and practical exam, he was still put into the Slifer Red dorm.

In the Duel Academy, students are divided between three different ranks. The Slifer Red for the low tier students, Ra Yellow for the uprising students, and Obelisk Blue for the top students - have in mind that Seto Kaiba founded this school.

Yuta was certain that some mistake happened until he saw the signature in the corner of the paper: "Cronos de Medici".

_ That old man...

Besides the Slifer Red ranking, Yuta is very happy with his approval. He calls his parents to tell the good news and texts his brother. The classes will begin in two days, Yuta just can't wait.

He grabs the suitcase he took to the hotel room and checks one more time if he has everything he needs for the school year. All the clothes are there, his laptop, his deck and, beneath everything, the pendant. He takes a look at it again and it's still there - The Winged Dragon of Ra he found lying on the ground two years ago.


_ Welcome to the Duel Academy, everyone! I'm the Chancellor Samejima, it is a pleasure to meet you all. I'm certain we will have a great year with you. You are the future generation of duelists of this country - and the Duel Academy will certify that you'll make it to the top!

Next to the Chancellor, Cronos looks at the boy who humiliated him in front of the students. Yuta is sitting in the auditorium, already wearing the school's uniform. He leaves both the gray jacket and white shirt unbuttoned, showing off the black t-shirt underneath it. Over the t-shirt, the red tie, tied only until the chest. His legs are crossed over the empty chair in front of him.

_ That damn slacker... Look at the way he wears our beautiful uniform... And the way he sits! I'll make him regret enrolling at this school...

Someone pokes Yuta's shoulder. He looks at his right and sees Sho. The little boy wears the same red tie as Yuta.

_ Sho! You did it! And we're at the same dorm, isn't that cool?

_ Y-yes. I'm happy to see you, Yuta-kun, but... I was certain you would be at Obelisk.

_ Hmph! That Cronos bastard tossed me in Slifer Red, can you believe it? But that's not a problem. I'll get to Obelisk, he likes it or not.

_ Oh...

The Chancellor's speech ends and Yuta leaves the auditorium with Sho. They walk through the school's big garden, where they can see lots of other students.

_ Which class are you in?

_ Class A.

_ Really? We're in the same class, then.

Yuta is relieved that he already knows someone from his class. He looks around to see if he recognizes anyone else.

_ What about that girl we met at the entrance exam, huh? You seemed to know her very well, Sho. I didn't see her yet. Wonder if she passed...

Sho is red as a pepper again.

_ I-I don't know! I-I actually don't know her that well, you know... Our older brothers are friends, that's all...

_ Your older brother? Who is-

Before Yuta can finish his question he listens to a familiar voice calling him. They turn around and see a beautiful blonde girl wearing a blue tie under the gray jacket. Asuka looks at Yuta with a mocking smirk.

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