Ice Barrier

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Yuta's voice cut through the cheers of the crowd, catching Asuka's attention for a fleeting moment. Her expression flickered with genuine astonishment upon seeing Yuta, but she quickly returned her focus to the duel. She shouted her final move, commanding her Nekroz of Trishula to launch a direct attack, sealing her victory.

Without a second glance at Yuta, she exited the cage, leaving it behind like a conquered battlefield. The cage's narrator, this one being an old man who displayed a flashy mustache, seemed to have relished the spectacle.

_ What an incredible OTK! The Princess of Obelisk Blue secures victory in a single, dominant turn! I hope you placed hefty bets on her!

Yuta watched as Asuka walked away, her cold demeanor being a stark contrast to their previous encounters. She was flanked by a burly man and a wiry individual, both dressed in black suits. The duo exchanged satisfied smiles before directing Asuka down a narrow hallway, hidden from the main crowd.

Despite his best efforts, Yuta's voice was lost amidst the chaos of the nightclub, and his cries for her went unanswered. He stood there, a sense of helplessness washing over him, as Asuka disappeared into the dimly lit corridor with her newfound companions.

Yuta's desperate sprint toward Asuka led him to a confrontation with an immense, muscle-bound man. The man's arms were adorned with intricate snake tattoos, and his imposing presence blocked Yuta's path.

_ Hey, kid, this area is for duelists who are about to face the Ice Emperor.

Yuta, his mind racing to formulate a convincing story, stammered out a hasty reply.

_ Ah, yes... I'm... Her coach! I train the Obelisk Blue Princess. I need to have a quick strategy discussion with her, you know?

The guard, a formidable physical presence with a limited intellectual range, simply shrugged and stepped aside, allowing Yuta to proceed. He walked down the narrow, dimly lit hallway, peering into the rooms in search of Asuka. His heart raced with each passing door.

Finally, he halted in front of an open door and saw Asuka standing before a metal chair, her gaze fixed on her reflection in a mirror. Yuta called out her name, his voice filled with concern.

_ Asuka?

Startled, Asuka turned around, her expression a mixture of fear and disbelief.

_ What are you doing here? Do you have any idea what kind of place this is?

_ I could ask you the same question! What in the world is this place? And more importantly, why is my Winged Dragon of Ra here?

Asuka's response was chilling. Slowly, she retrieved a pendant from beneath her blouse, revealing the Egyptian God card that adorned its tip. Yuta's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as he gazed upon it.

_ You stole it.

_ I was going to give it back after I was done in here.

The girl moves past Yuta and shuts the door behind him, leaving the couple alone inside the tiny room. After this, she sits on the metal chair and starts shuffling her deck, coldly ignoring Yuta's presence. The boy, still shocked, leaned his head towards her, trying to make any sort of eye contact.

_ Why did you that?

Asuka shakes her head. Her voice trembles.

_ You wouldn't understand...

Yuta crouches down in front of Asuka. Gently, his hands take the deck away from the girl's hands, forcing her to look him in the eyes. Yuta's expression, however, is not one of anger. His eyes pierce Asuka's heart with genuine concern.

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