Summer Memories

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_ Is that a whale?

_ What? Give me the binoculars... Na, I think it's just a big wave.

Yuta sighs in disappointment. The ferry to Shikinejima Island was packed with tourists eager to catch a glimpse of the mesmerizing oceanic horizon. Yuta and Sho were among them, leaning against the gunwale, taking in the breathtaking view. It was a scorching hot summer day in Japan, and the radiant sun painted the sea in brilliant shades of blue.

Amid the crowd of tourists, their attention was drawn to an adult couple waving enthusiastically at them. Yuta nudged Sho, directing his gaze towards his parents, who, during this summer vacation, also welcomed Yuta as a guest in their home. The two friends synchronized their movements, turning away from the railing and taking synchronized sips from their water bottles.

Mr. and Mrs. Marufuji, a short man and a tall woman, greeted them with warm smiles. Mrs. Marufuji spoke first, her voice filled with motherly affection.

_ Hikari-kun, are you enjoying the ferry ride? Have you called your mother yet?

_ Yes, sure. I've already sent her plenty of pictures, she loved them.

_ Really? That's wonderful! Honey, did you buy more water?

Mrs. Marufuji turns to her husband, who promptly handed over four bottles of ice-cold water. Yuta, still holding his half-empty bottle, did his best to accept all four at once, his hands full. A few drops of condensation formed on the bottles, providing momentary relief from the scorching heat.

Afterwards, a tall and fit young man with strikingly long black hair approached them. Slightly older than Yuta and Sho, he drew admiring glances from some of the female tourists.

_ We should arrive at Shikinejima in the next hour. Are the others already there?

Sho, while juggling the bottles of water and his phone, struggled to check the screen.

_ Let me see... Judai and Rei just arrived... Momo and Asuka are waiting for the next ferry.

Mrs. Marufuji's eyes sparkle.

_ Momo? Honey, that's Sho's girlfriend! I can't wait to meet her! Oh, Sho-kun, mama's so happy for you!

As Sho's mother squeeze her son's little cheeks, Ryo smiles.

_ You'll only embarress him like this, mom... Hey, need some help with that?

Ryo turned his attention to Yuta, helping him carry the handful of bottles. While he did so, Yuta couldn't help but look at Ryo in awe. The Kaiser was really there, talking to him like a normal teenager. After years of watching and admiring him from afar, it was surreal to see Ryo as just another guy. Mr. Marufuji, taking in the view, happily approached.

_ Asuka-chan is coming too, huh? Wow, it's been a while since I last saw her... She must be all grown up! Is Fubuki-kun coming as well, Ryo?

_ I don't know, dad. We haven't talked for a while, now.

It was only after waking up from The Kaiser's natural hypnotizing aura, that Yuta noticed the conversation happening.

_ Fubuki? That's Asuka's brother, right?

Ryo sighs.

_ Yes. We were friends before he graduated from the Academy.

_ It's a shame what happened... I really wish I could see Fubuki-kun again.

Mr. Marufuji turns around and starts taking pictures of the ferry ride, leaving Yuta and Ryo alone. That sudden suspense involving Asuka's brother awakened so much of Yuta's curiosity that he even forgot the shyness he normally displayed in front of The Kaiser.

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