Generation Next

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The day has come. The Duel Academy becomes a stage, set for the entire world to watch. Duel Monsters' fans from all over Tokyo gather around the campus to attend at the big event. The billboard displays the name of the competitors - with the exception of the US Unit's representative. Many are disappointed that they won't see the young star, Austin O'Brien, tonight.

Still, the hype for the competition is real. First, there is the japanese competitor: Hikari Yuta. People talk with excitement about the Slifer Red underdog, who's going against all odds to reach the top.

Then, there is the australian representant - Jenny Cook. She built a solid name in the Duel Monsters scene as a live streamer, the "Crocodile Girl". The only thing more remarkable than her beauty is her unshakable personality.

Of course, people talk about Johan Andersen too. His name may not be as recognized as the previous two, but the Denmark Unit is well know for its dinasty at the GenEx. The danish school holds four trophies on its own, far ahead from any other unit.

Last but not least, the mysterious US competitor sets a different kind of hype among the fans. Everyone speculates about who this duelist might be - and how good he should be.

The GenEx Tournament is about to begin.

Rei cleans her face with a dry towel, making sure not to ruin her makeup. She is quite nervous. The girl didn't expect to be hosting such a big event so soon, yet here she is. The TV crew checks on her one last time and, finally, Rei runs towards the main stage.

_ Good night, everyone!

Between the mix of spotlights, smoke and cameras, she can only listen to the crowds' response - for Rei's relief, loud cheers all around. She looks for the right camera and starts her speech, as rehearsed.

_ Tonight is a very special night to us, Duel Monsters fans all over the world! The Duel Academy, sponsored by Kaiba Corp, will present you a taste of the next generation of great duelists this world is yet to see!

A positive sign from the director behind the camera states that everything is fine so far.

_ So, without, further ado, let us meet our competitors! Everyone, I want loud cheers for the Japan's champion! Let's welcome our one and only Hikari Yuta!

Yuta energetically enters the stage. The boy wears a special T-shirt, designed by his dorm-mates, dyed red with a white lettering stamped on the chest.

"Red Heart"

As the crowd chants his name, Yuta feels that good sensation again. His heart pumps and he can barely control his eager to duel.

_ Now, representing the mighty Denmark Unit, everyone, cheers for Johan Andersen!

A short, but fit boy, displaying bright green eyes enters the stage. The crowd applauds formally now - it's clear who they will root for tonight.

_ Our third competitor, from the Australia Unit, welcome the Crocodile Girl, Jenny Cook!

A tall girl with a beautiful black hair walks in. Again, there aren't as many applauses as there were for Yuta. That's the power of being the home player.

_ And finally, I'm sure everyone is going to be surprised with the next one! After a last minute change, the United States' champion, Manjoume Jun!

Yuta looks at the corner Rei points to, completely in shock. Jun enters the stage with a large, confident, smile. He raises both his hands and places them behind the ears - inviting the crowd to celebrate his return. And, indeed, with the exception of some first year's students, the stadium is filled with cheers.

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