Winner and Winner

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[The frame opens with upbeat music as the GenEx Tournament's logo flashes on the screen. The camera zooms in on a futuristic TV set with holographic elements, reminiscent of a high-tech VT broadcast. The backdrop features the tournament's logo and a large, rotating holographic Duel Monsters card.]

Narrator (Voiceover): "And now, dear viewers, a special GenEx Tournament VT presentation during our commercial break!"

[The screen transitions to a split-screen view, with Hikari Yuta on the left and Manjoume Jun on the right. They sit in comfortable chairs, ready for the interview. Yuta exudes a calm and collected aura, while Jun's flamboyant confidence shines through.]

Interviewer: "Goodnight, Duel fans! We have a treat for you today: an exclusive interview with our finalists, Hikari Yuta and Manjoume Jun!"

[The camera focuses on Yuta.]

Interviewer (Off-screen): "Hikari-kun, you're making history as the first Slifer Red student to reach the GenEx Tournament final. How do you feel about your journey so far?"

[Yuta smiles, his demeanor relaxed.]

Yuta: "Well, it's been an incredible ride, to say the least. I've had the chance to meet amazing people, and the support of my friends and family has been my driving force. Slifer Red or not, I'm here to show that anyone can rise to the top with determination and a little bit of luck."

[The camera switches to Jun, who grins confidently.]

Interviewer (Off-screen): "Manjoume-kun, due to a series of unlikely events, you ended representing a school that you're not even enrolled at. How do you feel about it? Would you consider fair that the trophy goes to a country you are not from?"

[Jun leans back, exuding charisma.]

Jun: "I don't care on wherever case the trophy stands, as long as it has my name on it. The reason why I'm here is because the americans trusted my skills and, honestly? They had all reasons to do so. I'm gonna win."

[The camera cuts back to Yuta.]

Interviewer (Off-screen): "Hikari-kun, you and Manjoume-kun have a unique history as colleagues and rivals. What does this duel mean to you on a personal level?"

[Yuta's expression turns thoughtful.]

Yuta: "I actually don't know what to expect. Jun seems very different from what I remember. He's more energetic, to say the least. On a personal level, I'd say it's great to duel him again in this tournament, since I always found him a great duelist and, to be honest, I love to get him out of temper."

[The camera focuses on Jun.]

Interviewer (Off-screen): "Manjoume-kun, your confidence is legendary, but some are calling it arrogance. How do you respond to those who doubt your abilities?"

[Jun laughs heartily, brushing off the question.]

Jun: "Arrogance? It's not arrogance if I can back it up with my dueling skills! I invite everyone to watch the final and witness my greatness. Doubt me if you dare, but prepare to be dazzled!"

[The camera moves back to Yuta.]

Interviewer (Off-screen): "Hikari-kun, you won your last duel against Manjoume-kun. What do you think you'll have to do to repeat the result?"

[Yuta takes a deep breath and smiles.]

Yuta: "You know, I actually don't strategize much before a duel. I like to analyze the situations as they go, feel the duel, and then, try to adapt. I've always done it like this, and it has been working so far. That's why I think there's no need to change for this specific match."

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