Dragon Clash

497 17 10

_ Wake up, Sho, c'mon!

_ Judai-kun... It's Saturday... Just five more minutes...

Judai checks the clock. It's almost 2 P.M. If he doesn't get Sho up right now, they might be late. Without thinking twice, Judai grabs the mattress and flips it over.

_ WhaaaaAaAaA-

Sho falls face down on the floor. From between all the sheets, pillows and the mattress over his body, he sees Judai standing up in front of him. His veteran has a huge smile on the face. He doesn't wear any shirt, and half his body is covered in red painting.

_ C'mon, Sho, get up! I need ya to carry on the flag!

_ F-flag?

_ Yeah, man! Our boy has already left, ya know? He seemed kinda nervous, tho. He'll need all the support from'is buddies, don't ya think?

Judai throws a big red cloth at Sho. The little boy puts his glasses on and unfolds the flag. There is a white painted kanji on it.

" 輝く!"

Tears flood from Sho's eyes.

_ Y-you really did that, Judai-kun?

_ Hah hah hah! Of course, buddy! Now, c'mon! Yuta's waiting for us.

The duo gets ready and proceeds to the Duel Arena. Many students gather around, talking about the awaited duel between Yuta and Daichi. All comment about how this is the first time a Slifer Red could represent the school in the GenEx Tournament. Some of them even have their bets over who is going to be the winner - most money goes for the Ra Yellow prodigy, Misawa Daichi.

Closer to the arena now, it's possible to see a place slightly different than usual. There are many red and yellow flags, representing both competitors. There's even a big billboard that displays Yuta and Daichi, posing with their duel disks, standing face to face.

_ Hah! Look at'im! Lookin' like a badass! That's ma boy!

_ I'm hungry... That's so weird. We've just eaten, but I'm hungry again.

As soon as Sho and Judai enter the arena, the attention of all students turn to them - a guy with a painted body and a short boy carrying a flag.

_ Wave the flag, Sho! Wave it!

_ Wha-? O-okay!

Everyone keeps looking at them. Judai leading the way, chanting Yuta's name, Sho right behind him, waving the big red flag. Some take pictures and laugh. The Slifer Reds, on the other hand, embrace their energy and chant along.

_ Hikari! Yuta! Hikari! Yuta!

Asuka, who was just buying a takoyaki at one of the stalls around the arena, sees the scene and laughs. She approaches the outstanding duo.

_ What is this? A Yuta fan club?

_ Yeah, wanna join?

She blushes. Judai knows exactly what to do next. He nods to Sho, who delivers a bottle of ink and a brush to his veteran. Judai dips the brush into the bottle and, with a single stroke, leaves a red stain on Asuka's face. At first, the girl feels unnerved by his attitude, but smiles as the cold sensation on her skin grows.

Sho feels someone poking his shoulder. When he looks back, Sho sees an extense line of people - mostly Slifer Reds.

_ Can we have a little bit, too?

Judai turns to them with the biggest grin Sho has ever seen in his life.

_ I hope none of ya is allergic to ink!

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