Gone with the Wind

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Duel Academy's campus is transforming into a winter wonderland as Christmas approaches. The fresh snow covers every surface with a pristine layer, the trees bear glistening white coats, and icicles hang from the eaves of the buildings.

The school's decorations match the season's spirit perfectly. Giant wreaths adorn the campus, and twinkling fairy lights wrap around the railings of the walkways. The school cafeteria, where students gather to warm up and eat, has its tables and walls covered with Christmas-themed decorations. Brightly colored ornaments dangle from the ceiling, creating a playful and festive atmosphere.

The Christmas spirit even influences the school cafeteria menu. A glance at the dishes on their trays reveals a hearty selection. Roasted turkey slices with cranberry sauce, creamy mashed potatoes, and seasoned stuffing with aromatic gravy. They also have plates of crisp, buttery green beans, and for dessert, there are slices of delectable pecan pie topped with a dollop of whipped cream.

Yuta carries his lunch tray carefully through the bustling cafeteria. He skillfully maneuvers it to his usual spot where Asuka sits, engrossed in her book. He settles into the seat across from his girlfriend, the contents of his tray now displayed on the table - a generous portion of turkey with a mountain of mashed potatoes and a slice of pecan pie.

As he forks a bite of turkey and savors the rich flavors, he looks at Asuka. She glances up from her book and smiles at him.

_ Mind on the tests?

Yuta asks, his tone gentle as he reaches for a bite of mashed potatoes.

_ A little. If we don't do well, Professor Cronos said we won't even have a chance of being selected for the Nationals.

Asuka closes her book and places it carefully next to her tray.

Yuta nods thoughtfully, understanding the weight of the upcoming exams. It has been three months since they returned from summer vacation, and their school life has been relatively ordinary.

With a warm and reassuring smile, Yuta tries to ease Asuka's worries.

_ I think you can wait until Christmas before worrying about that. Enjoy the holidays, you know?

Asuka's smile widens as she leans across the table, affectionately tapping his hand.

_ Yeah, I guess you're right... Thanks.

The couple continues their lunch, filling the cozy space with their light tenderness. A moment of warmth and connection amidst the cold winter backdrop of Duel Academy.

However, Yuta and Asuka's conversation is interrupted by Jun, who stands in front of their table while holding his tray of food - a salad with a side of fruit. With an almost whispered voice, Jun mumbles.

_ There are no empty seats... Can I sit here?

Asuka offers a friendly smile and nods, making room for him. The three sit in an uncomfortable silence until Asuka decides to break the ice.

_ So... Are you two getting along a little better now? Since you're in the same dorm.

While she tries to foster a sense of camaraderie, Yuta signs "No!" with his eyes alone. But before he can stop it, Jun retorts.

_ I'm not going to stay there for long. And one of the reasons is so I won't have to breathe the same air as your stupid boyfriend.

Yuta, usually tolerant of Jun's teasing, takes the insult to heart when it is directed at Asuka. His response is disproportionately harsh.

_ I don't know... Maybe, to get out of Slifer Red, you'll have to defeat me in a duel someday. I'd leave a red tie aside for graduation day, if I were you, Jun.

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