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"It's been a while now, what's your next painting?"

Two close friends who are painters where in their usual place that they use to hang around, the other smiles as he scratched the back of his head. Nothing in mind has come up of a creative piece to make.

"I...I don't know actually...right now I feel like a Useless's been for weeks actually..."

He sighed in disappointment, not being able to touch his dried out brush for mostly weeks now, he felt like he was being Irresponsible. It's just that, yes his a good painter but he lacks of motivation.

His friend chuckled as he hitted his forehead with the bottom of his Paintbrush.

"Haiya, well then look for inspiration! Go and look around outside the town and bring your sketch book as might find something interesting and finally you can sell your work! Jusmeyo Antonio"

Antonio chuckles nervously as he nodded at what his friend Robert told him to.

"I Guess I'll try....."

Antonio (Phil) sighs, He then left their work shop grabbing his sling bag that is filled with used and unused notebooks with tools that he needs for drawing.
In a very lively town, where he wonders around, looking or even watching for an inspiration for him to start painting and create a piece.

All the things he paints are just objects, with beautiful lighting and Landscapes that he could finish in just a month. But now artblock seems to hitted him so hard that it was difficult for him to think of a new idea.

Not until he saw such beauty,  such grace. Someone that he never saw before, he felt adrenaline pumping in his vains as he saw a beautiful foreigner who's carrying a bouquet of flowers. Freshly picked and bought by her relatives.


Ah...just by her language,  Antonio didn't hesitate to try and approach her but it seems that it was too late, now that the beautiful model got inside her own humble home. Antonio sighs as he would try again tomorrow.
The first day, he brought snacks, looking for the beautiful girl as he saw her climbing down the stairs, followed by the sounds of her stilettos. She saw Antonio but her glance was stolen by another man who was helping her.

'Oh, it seems that she comes from a rich family'

He thought as he tried his best to follow her, it's normal at this days when someone is being followed, ofcourse the ones who doesn't hide, Cellphones and other gadgets weren't still invented at the time so.

Every man seems to have good intention to any woman they approach to.

"Señorita wait!"

He tried stopping her but it seems that it was too late once again, seeing her got inside of the seems that the lady His trying to draw has a full schedule.
The second day, he quickly felt hopeless, walking around the empty streets as he kicked on a small pebble but to his surprise,  he bumped to the beautiful lady.

He quickly greeted her in a gentle manner and respectfully (Sheeeeshhh) as the woman infront of him beamed a sweet smile.

"I saw you! where the one who seems to been following me it something important?"

She said as she thought that this man is one of her fathers messenger. Antonio felt his cheeks heat up as he gulped and held the single flower he was holding.

"Er um....y-yeah actually I came close to you Señora to tell"

The beautiful woman didn't believe the man's words but she went along as she invited him for a walk, ofcourse she's always with her maid. Or a close friend.

"Oh...will you tell me the news then?"

She said as Antonio felt himself sweat, ah he got into trouble by himself. He chuckled as he then gave the flower at the beautiful lady.

" have a flower Señora....and uh...Goodbye!"

The woman was a little startle and she chuckled, looking at the flower, she gently held it on her hands and left with it.
The next day had passed and now Antonio was busted, she scolded him from lying that his a messenger.

"I-I'M SORRY Señora!! It's just that....I don't know how to say to you if you want to be drawn by me....if you don't mind....a portrait of you.."

"Mama Mia! Why didn't you tell me early? And the names Serena...I would love you to make a portrait of me. And I forgive you..."

Antonio was surprised on how fast Miss Serena's decisions are. He nodded as he introduced himself well he knew that he already introduces himself towards her.

"So Antonio,  why do you need to make a portrait of me?"

The beautiful Italian sat comfortably on the chair she's on as she watches Antonio prepare his art tools.

"W-well....I'm studying in realism art and.....I'm kinda of struggling in selling my artwork...I mostly do Landscape art and it seems that the trendy ones this days are portraits of good looking people or anyone..."

The Italiana smirks as she raised a brow, she wondered maybe this man is too shy to tell the truth but oh well. She pulled out her small hand mirror and fixes herself for the painter or artist.

Meanwhile, as Antonio finally got a canvas to sketch on, he then saw the beautiful Italiana. He always felt his cheeks heat up and he knows that he likes her but his only doing this to sell some of his creations.

He was thankful that she agreed, as he started, he was very careful at every line and shape he makes. Just to completely capture the beauty infront of him as he would try his best to replicate her Beautiful eyes and that plum lips.
Hours passed as Antonio was now finished sketching Serena's portrait perfectly,  she even watch him paint it but he was very nervous.

"Be honest with wanted my portrait like me?"

She said as she smirked,  playing with the bottom of her hair while Antonio sighs and felt dominated by her.

"....W-well you go-"

The two shared each others passionate kiss as Antonio slowly dropped his Paintbrush, returning the sweet kiss that he thought he will never have...

Well, he was single since birth and he nearly have his first kiss with his childhood friend but they needed to leave his country.

"Please come back....."

Rain soaked him as he held Serena's cold hands who she's shivering from the cold as well. Tears where streaming down his eyes as he doesn't want to let go of her.

"I'm sorry but I need to go.....the's coming..."

She said as Antonio's hand slipped off her hands as he watches her get pulled by their guards, he screamed her name and he wanted to go with her....the portrait he made of her, he gave it.

That was the last time he saw her, the last time that he remembers her....he.....

"What was I thinking? It's impossible that I made this.....I'm not that really good at painting anyways..."

Phil cutted his gaze off the portrait that his viewing infront of him, he saw Italy who seems to be looking at the portrait too. She smiled at Phil and then left.

Whenever he looks at the portrait...he feels sad and depressed, he doesn't know why, he doesn't even visits museums because of this.

Looking at it one last time, the painting titled to as.


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