03:0001 (B.E route 1)

39 3 1

"You're finally awake! How's your sleep mahal?..."

He chuckled and gently placed his hand on the sides of your face, as soon as you open your eyes. You see his heterochroma eyes glistening.

He leans close to you as he gave you a sweet morning kiss, making you squeak as he smiles and soon sets you free from his grasp.

"I made you some of your favorite Y/N....I hope you like it..."

He giggled as he helped you get up from bed, he even brushed and tied your hair for you comfortably.

"......Where am i?.."

You said as he sets you up on your chair while he smiled dearly and sat on the opposite side.

"In our home.....Your home..."

He chuckled as he placed a hot cup of coffee close to your neatly prepared food, even the smell was appetizing.

"Who are you—?....."

The man smiled softly before speaking.

"I'm your one and only husband...and you're the love of my life..."

You felt your cheeks heat up at that statement, he saw your reaction as he giggles and petted your head.

"Now now...eat before the food turns cold...we don't want that to happen....right?..."

Blinking a few times as you nodded and simply followed his words, quickly digging in as you savored every flavor of it. He seems very glad as you eat the breakfast he prepared for you..

Not long after, you finished it up by drinking the still warm Coffee as it compliments with the breakfast, your 'husband' stood up and took your empty plate as he gave you a kiss in your forehead.

Turning his back towards you as he washed the dishes, you watched him clean the plates as he hummed a little melody.

You felt like you don't want to keep still and do nothing...besides your Husband already made you breakfast and he must've done all the chores while you-..

"You don't have to worry, I'll do everything in this home...I don't want to see you get tired or work yourself hard my Darling~..."

He giggles as a cute little heart flew out when he closed his eyes and smiled handsomely. You blinked a few times as you felt your cheeks heat up.


You sweated as he told you that you're free to roam around the house, you smiled and thanked your lovely husband.

"Oh! I forgot....you're forbidden to leave this place...only you can stay here...I don't want to lose you...I don't want anything bad to happen to you....understand?"

Half of his face darkened after that word....his aura was somewhat dark and dangerous but as soon as you obeyed, it turned back to its cheerful and warm aura.

"Wonderful!...now, I'll leave you for a while so you can look around...if you need anything, just find me in our room...I'll be there..."

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