:Ch2: ⊙︿⊙

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≒≀≓. ~ ≒≀≓.
The Next Day
≒≀≓. ~ ≒≀≓.


I woke up as carl knocked on my door lightly.

"Come in." I said as I woke myself up

The door opened as I stretched and felt too comfortable to move.

"Did we miss any school supplies that you might need?" He asked

"Mm?...Nah, I think we got everything." I replied in a yawn

"Alright then, I'm gonna head to work! There's muffins on the table-" He said as grinny, smiles, and neon perked up hearing muffins," and you have my number if you need anything."

"Yep!" I replied as I looked at the animals

I smiled at them as they looked excited about muffins. Carl left while I got up and stretched some more.

"Don't even ask!" I teased," last time you guys had muffins smiley had to operate on you due to muffins not being apart of your diet and the sugar was too much for your stomachs."

"Worth it!" They said in unison

"Your dad makes good muffiiiiiiiiinnnnsss!" Neon whined

"Plus you let us eat them last time." Smile smirked

"I let you have muffins because I didn't have anything else to give you." I teased," go hunt your food, and if you touch those muffins then no cuddles or head kisses for a week."

"But- but-"

"Don't be childish." I giggled as I went to my drawers

I took out some undergarments and then took something out from my closet, heading to the bathroom afterwards.


I was done showering, changing and brushing my hair. I was home alone and decided to go to the mansion as I grabbed my God Bow.

I went out the back door an waited for the animals.

"C'mon guys, we're going to the mansion!" I said," and I will be watching the muffins if you try to take one."

They complained as they came out and I closed the door.

"Yeah yeah, don't complain dumb dumbs." I teased

We headed off into the forest as I checked if my outfit was on correctly or I didn't forget anything.


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I was fine as we made it to the mansion and the door opened for us.

"Thank you." I said, thanking the magical house

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