:Ch 12: _(:з)∠)_

352 22 14

Lol I like that emoji thingy for the title, I don't know why I just really do 😂

We stopped at a small clearing as it was probably midday. I was sat in a tree sharpening my arrows as I could see tony an jerry sitting away from each other.

"Wow you have a normal life." Lj said sarcastic then scoffed," How boring."

The others were near tony talking to him. I chuckled as I could hear them criticize about his non-traumatic life.

"Aye, leave tony alone!" I teased as I examined my arrow

"Make us!" Jeff said childishly

I couldn't help but feel a smirk curve onto my lips as I put my knife away as well as my arrow within it's pouch. I jumped down from the tree I was in and went over to them with a wide grin.

"Okay~!" I cooed evilly

I got to jeff an leaned over him as his face didn't hide the fact that he liked this. I took my knife out an looked at it's thin edge, looking at jeff after as he smirked.

"Do your worst, baby girl~!" Jeff purred

Masky then tackled him as I smiled innocently.

"Well it looks like I can't now, masky seems to want to handle that." I said evilly

"That's cold." Offender commented

I giggled as I pulled masky off and pinned him to the ground, sitting over him and giving jeff an innocent face.

"That was not cool, but since it was your idea I'll let it slide." Jeff said slightly upset

I playfully rolled my eyes as I then looked at masky an poked his head.

"You calm now?" I asked

He nodded his head as I got off him and went to tony, his face slightly red as he looked at the ground. I ran my hand through his hair an smiled.

"I think tony's lucky." I said a bit softly," Normal family, normal childhood, no worries or suicide attempts..."

I felt a bit envious of that but went back to the tree I was at.

"But even with normality there comes a price of danger." I added," It just happens that this was his price for all that normal it seems."

I grabbed my bow as seed sat down near me. I have no idea why I was so compelled to do any of that as I shook my head slightly.

My head slightly hurt as I put my hand on it as if it would help. Seed let out a low groan as if he was concerned about me.

"I'm alright seed." I smiled

I sat against him as I pulled off my backpack and took out cleaning wipes to clean my bow.

'The fuck just happened to me?'

I just focused on my bow as I could still hear the others talking.

"Yo tiny!" Jeff called

I picked my head up to look at him as I noticed a few of them were looking at me.

"You alright..?" Lj asked

I hummed as I gave them a smile.

"Of course I am." I replied," Why? Do I not look it?"

"No, you do look fine but.." Lj said a bit concerned

"You never use to do that before, even at the house or with masky." Hoodie spoke

"Yep." Masky agreed

I chuckled as they're worried over nothing.

"I also never use to be friends with killers and demons." I teased," I'm fine guys."

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