:Ch 30: ▶️

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School has ended now and I'm heading home. I walked down the side walk to my home an heard mark an his buddies running behind me.

I stopped an looked back to see the three of them catching up an stopping behind me. Cameron was fine but mark an angel were out of breath.

"You two need to touch grass." I teased

"Whats that mean?!" Mark asked as he panted

I smirked an chuckled as cameron shook his head. I continued walking an Cameron followed.

"So whats up cameron." I said," how's your sister?"

"She's doing better." Cameron answered," Over the summer she's been slowly learning how to walk again and putting in a lot of effort to do so."

"Thats great." I said," I hope she makes a full recovery."

"Me too." Cameron smiled

"Hey guys! I heard there was this haunted house in the forest and if you get close enough you'll hear a wailing girl!" Mark said, trying to spook us

"Oh yeah, why don't I shove ya in there right now an see if you find it." I replied

Angel laughed while Mark complained an tried to convince us to maybe go this weekend to check it out.

"Oh sure, let me just tell death that we're gonna book an appointment with him this weekend just so he doesn't forget." I said sarcastic

Angel laughed even harder while mark whined.

"Y/Ns right, going into this forest is a death wish mark." Cameron said," we shouldn't even be walking alongside it."

"Pussies." Mark complained

"We aren't pussies we're just smart." I replied

Mark mumbled that we were weak while angel calmed down.

"Anyways..." Cameron said," anything happening with you Y/N? Is your dad still an ass?"

"Oh boy, recently a 5 year old has just been attached to me and bullied some girls for no damn reason." I teased

"Are you gonna hold a gru-"

"Don't even ask." Angel teased," just don't ask if you already know bro!"

I chuckled a bit but frowned.

"But..yeah my dad is still an ass." I said softly," its just a bit more tolerable now since I'm getting use to it..."

"I'm sorry." Cameron said softly

I looked to the road an shrugged.

"Its alright..." I replied softly

They didn't say anything anymore as it got quiet and it was just natures noise all around.

"Y'know you're always welcomed to stay at my place-"

The bushes rustled next to us as we stopped an looked quickly.

"What the fuck was that?!" Mark asked as we looked into the forest

We were stood there, staring at nothing but bushes and trees.

"Probably just a little animal-"

"Or an adventure!" Mark beamed

"Knock yourself out mark, I say fuck that!" I said as I continued walking.

Cameron followed next to me as angel soon joined on my other side.

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