:Ch 17: ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ

340 21 15

Lol, three of my fandoms collide gives me idea ,'3

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< The Next Day >
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I couldn't sleep but I did keep tony company as he slept. He looked so peaceful within his slumbers, unbothered by reality and trauma's.

Zill an tori were in the second available room and jerry was asleep on the couch, tony an me sharing a room once again.

Grinny was also in my lap, keeping me company for when I needed the comfort. Suddenly there was shouting and thuds outside the cabin.

I was gonna get up but grinny hopped off an said he would check it out. I nodded as he ran off, trusting he would come back if it was something major.

I relaxed as I looked at tony.

'How can you sleep so peacefully right now...'

I felt a little envious but I was more than glad that he was getting rest. I put my hand on his face to check for a fever just in case but his cheeks turned red, his blush reaching across his nose even.

"Y/N..." He muttered as his face became warmer," strong...and perdy..."

He moved as I took my hand away, his head leaned against my thigh as he placed his hand on the same thigh.

I felt a swirl of emotions hit me as I internally panicked.

'What the fuck- do I move- does he move?! No wait, that'll wake him!'

I stopped my movement of going to move him as I didn't know how to feel about this.

'Do I just...Do I just do nothing?? Do I stay- what if he get's mad?'

Tony hummed in his sleep, or he groaned? Either way, he made noise. He was just sound asleep, he doesn't mean to do any of this.

But I did feel a feeling that seemed to have become deeper. I put my hand on his face again and he tiredly moaned as if to acknowledge the touch within his dreams.

I played with his hair as this felt a bit comforting.

'Why don't you wake him up and go further than that~!'

I gasped as I looked around quickly, taking my hand away as I almost felt light of weight.

I noticed that, I felt the same way yesterday too and then the rest was a blur.

'You're not taking control again..!'

I relaxed as tony then woke up on his own and it took him a moment to really wake up. Once he opened his eyes though an looked at me his entire face turned into a cherry red color.

He moved back quickly as he stuttered and couldn't put his words correctly into sentences.

It was almost funny.

"Dreaming funny- sorry f-f-for- ah!! I-I didn't m-mean- ahhhhh!!" He whined with embarrassment

I giggled at him as I gave him a smile.

"Its okay dummy." I said calmly

He gulped as he whined like a puppy and kept his hands over his face. I liked that he was embarrassed of himself for something he didn't mean to do.

For unconsciously doing something harmless. 

I chuckled at him and pulled one of his hands away to let him see me.

"Its fine tony, I know you didn't mean to do anything!" I said," you were just asleep!"

He looked adorable as he tried to avoid looking directly into my eyes.

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