:Ch 22:\(・`(ェ)・)/

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"Shut. Up." Darla threatened

"Jerry- stop!" Tony complained

Jerry was annoying the two as I watched them. Darla seriously wanted to tear a new one into jerry while tony looked like he'd help bury him if it came to it.

I shook my head as I looked around and tried to focus on other things.

I looked at the snowy area and hummed, thinking of which of the house members could withstand the cold or could possible fight well in it.

Slender never trained me in the snow so maybe it was added last second. I went into the magical wall as the cold quickly hit me with a harsh freeze hitting my exposed skin.

I was already in the winter clothes so I was fine but it was still cold. I looked out in the snow covered trees and snow piled ground.

Waiting for a sign from the minotaurs to bring us greg.

"This feels nice." Kage said

I looked back and saw him snuggle his head into his scarf.

"Its calming, fresh and a change of scenery." He added

I gave him a smile as he came and stood next to me. I looked back at the scenery and saw he was right, the way I felt changing as it wasn't so dull and grim.

Kage soon stood in front of me and gently put his hand under my chin.

It took me by surprise as his demon face was neutral. No grin or sadistic smile, just neutral.

He leaned towards me and gently pecked my lips, giving me space as he seemed unsure.

"No one knows whats going to happen." He said," which means you could die...so before I lose my chance to ever tell you, I'll go for it now."


He kissed me, a deep, passionate kiss that let me know he was scared. None of them know if I'll live, which scares me.

He pulled away an sighed.

"You are so beautiful, and I would've loved to cuddle you or do so many other things with you." He said softly," but all I want is to hold you, and right now Im hoping you survive..."

I wasn't sure what to say or do, especially since I was thrown off my focus.

"Please.." He softly pleaded," Live..."

Its wild...

Hearing a Demon thats supposed to kill and have no sympathy or kindness, plead for someone to live. For me to Live.

Life is so Strange.

Anyways, he got away from me and chuckled a bit.

"You got this, brainy." He said," we have your back, we'll take on the battle for you- use us.."

"I would never put anyone in danger." I replied," No one will die in my name anymore."

He was gonna say something but the minotaurs showed up and I perked up.

I ran around kage and saw the minotaurs stop. They moved to make a path and revealed greg with sonic and tails.

I lit up with a smile as he lit up as well.


I bolted towards him and hugged him.

"You're safe- you're unbelievably safe now, and I will make sure you get out of here alive with the others!" I promised

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