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(Serotonin by Girl In Red)

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< The Next Day >
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I was up and already on the move with brvr on my shoulder.

I had my bow ready for an attack as the area around me suddenly changed to dead tree's and bushes.

A creepy carnival tune playing all around.

"Okay, its either lj, candy pop, jill or splendor." I mumbled

"Most likely lj." Brvr informed

"Probably but Im gonna take in the account that it just might be lj, candy and jill on a team." I replied in a whisper

Crows cawed in every corner as if death was on it's way. The music was getting louder and louder with each step I took.

I stopped though as the crows quieted down and the music stopped. I Really quickly put my hair up in a pony tail as best as I could, but with my hair?

It's difficult sometimes, anyways, After I did that I slightly smirked. I shot two arrows to the right as I then took off running.

The bushes came alive with noises and rumbling as I ran and jumped over logs or small boulders. I put my bow over me as I jumped up onto a boulder an got into the tree's, Climbing all the way up and then looking down as the slowly noise stopped.

I smirked and could see parts of candy pop and lj hiding in the bushes or tree lines. I took a moment to look around an I saw a couple of new biomes up ahead but I saw the next one after this was just normal forest.

I took out a camera and took a photo of the biomes. That's what I did earlier, an it's why I had said they gave me an accidental advantage.

I put both things away and then got ready with what I was gonna do next.

I climbed down quietly and with as little movement as possible. When I did make a branch shake too much, I stopped an let it rest so they couldn't predict my next move.

I got close enough to where I wanted to be and took in a deep breath. I felt light as a leaf, my body relaxed as I scratched brvr's head.

His fur raised a bit as he slightly gasped quietly. He held on and I looked to the left. I jumped out of the tree an landed on a boulder, jumping from boulder to log and getting a good distance away.

They teleported in front of me and I grabbed my bow as candy went for a swing with his mallet. He hit my bow out of my hands an both seemed excited the moment it left my hands as I landed behind them at a distance.

"At least we won't bleed now." Lj said

I smirked as I got up an dropped my backpack.

"You clearly forgot what my name was.." I said evilly

I turned my head slightly to them as their attention was on me. I took out a knife from a holster underneath my shirt and cleared my throat as I turned to them.

"You've also forget how much I fucked up puppeteer~.." I cooed with a smirk

Brvr was by my bow and he used his lightning bolt to stun the two. I ran at them as brvr stopped and I stabbed lj's shoulder an round house kicked him back.

I took candy's mallet from him as he collapsed and I chuckled.

"Sorry candy." I said as I raised his mallet up

I hit it down over his stomach and then held him down as I Pinched a nerve in his neck to knock him out.

I got off and looked up as two green flares go off. I won. I went over to lj and at least gave him a first aidkit.

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