:Ch 20: ⌒(=๏ x ๏=)⌒

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I was recovering from my panic of a decision but I tried to just force myself to be fine.

We didn't need me being sensitive or overreactive so I just tried to silently think of a plan or something to help.

"There are seven points left!" Offender questioned," what happened to the three other points?"

"Point Shield got three point kills, or two companion kills and a traitor kill." Scarecrow mentioned

I perked up and looked at the pasta's.

"Wait, who's point shield?" I asked

"You're friend." Hoodie answered

It clicked for me as I gave then a calmly concerned look.

"Doesn't that mean its just my group of friends and Darla?" I asked," point mental."

They all seemed to have perked up as a green flare went off a bit close by.

"No, there has to be more players!" Lj refused

"Its seven points, them being brainy, beast, bright, zoom, trash, shield and mental." Jane said

They all looked very uncertain on how everything was gonna go from here on out. Seed soon stopped as darla soon popped up and sat on my lap facing me.

"God you're hot." She said casually

"Right!" Nina agreed

"Hold up-"

I was caught so off guard as my cheeks warmed up.

"I'm so lost!" I replied

She just smiled and then kissed me as it went dead silent.

"GO QUEEN!" Tori cheered

Darla got away and then joined the others on seeds back.

"I'm joining the crew, you guys seem fun." Darla shrugged," plus I just defeated a hunter and don't feel like killing you."

"Girl, you are just all kinds of ballsy!" Tori teased

"She just said she would've probably killed us if she was in the mood?!" Zill said in complete confusion

I was stuck but then turned around.

"Hold on for just one damn moment-"

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry!" Darla said, looking at me as she put her hand under my chin," its just that you're so cute!"

Tori was just hollering with laughter now, enjoying everything about this interaction it seems.

"You're okay with it right?" She asked innocently

I had no idea what the fuck to do or say. She suddenly had a hold on my emotions and I, kinda, didn't like it.

"Relax, talk with us!" She said," lets take on these hunters like the psychopaths we are~!"

I sat down as I felt flustered at her random change or flirt or whatever she's doing!

"She's a bottom confirmed??" Smiley teased

"Ayo, brainy was a bit obedient there-" Lj teased but paused himself

"Ugh, men." Jane complained

The boys were continuously teasing me about being a bottom as I had enough an looked for the minotaurs. They soon separated the pastas from us as I took a moment to collect myself.

"She caught me off guard, thats all." I said as I tried to recollect my thoughts

"A guilty pleasure of mine!" Darla cooed," it's just so fun~!"

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