:Ch 18: ⊙﹏⊙∥

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That's a long break I took-

My name was muttered around as me an tony looked up at the screen. My Defeated list came up and so did my allies list. It showed which points I was teamed with as well as how many mini bosses I've conquered.

It then brought up a list of How Many Points I've Killed. Peopled looked at me weirdly or judgingly as they soon walked further from me.

It then showed my battles and how I defeated each of my enemies. Everyone watched as some gasped or talked.

I felt like a monster as everyone watched, seeing myself even was just more proof that made me feel so inhuman. Then my battle with splendor came up and I watched with horror.

I watched what I did to splendor and felt sick....But that was barely the beginning.

It then showed what point I killed and I watched even more disgusted. I watched how I tortured the poor guy and how I tore him apart.

"I....I-I did that..." I said frightened

That battle wasn't even that long ago- it wasn't even a battle, it was just murder. I looked down and avoided the looks of everyone who now stared.

A hand then held mine and I looked to see tony. He had a stoic expression as everyone whispered even more or stared.

"Tony..." I said regretful, not wanting him to be hated with me

Tori then came an leaned on me with her arms crossed, a small smirk on her lips as she was confident. Zill joined next to her and crossed his arms, tori nudging him playfully as they both quietly chuckled.

Greg then joined by tony and I had no idea how to feel.

"Yeah, she killed a point- she killed a person, but that doesn't mean she would be the only one to do it." Tori said," What about ms mental over there? She looks like she's killed a person or two before this place!"

"Guilty~!" Darla cooed as she stepped up an stood with us

"I bet you're guilty!" Tori smirked as a tease

"Plus she killed that guy for a justified reason!" Tony added on," Can it be shown please?"

The screen thing showed us at the cave and talking about greg an our worries, etc. Everything played out like how it went and it showed why or how it started.

I killed him because he said he killed greg, or let him suffer to take his supplies. I felt a bit at ease to know it just wasn't out of hunger for blood or malice, I was just furious at the fact that he probably did kill greg cause of the hoodie.

But greg's alive...

"That dude provoked her into harming him so it wasn't her fault that her protective nature kicked in and did him like that!" Zill defended

"She was avenging me, how heroic!" Greg teased

I lightly smiled at them as they defended my case over this, darla was even helping me and we had just met.

Trender then came out and said for everyone to settle down as he noticed the hostility and paranoia. The topic was ended as tori hummed with frustration.

"I hate people who judge on what they see a person do rather than learn the person for why they did it or it happened." Tori mumbled with frustration

She was upset, I could see that, and she must have had experience with something similar. Darla then came closer to me an smiled widely.

"Don't worry little brainy, I'll handle these....pests once the game begins~!" She cooed

"Who chose you to be in this game..?" Zill mumbled with confusion

"You don't have to, besides I want you to fight the hunters instead." I said," Take them all out, not kill though, that way more of us can survive."

She sighed as she patted my cheek.

"To sanity you hold, but to hold in vain...You're too far gone to escape this domain..." She said as she just smiled," But who knows, maybe you're strong enough to live better days.."

Trender then called her out and she left to his call.

"This game is literally her dream come true." Tori commented as she shook her head

"Agreed!" Zill exclaimed

They both laughed a little as I slightly understood that rhyme.

'So I'm holding on to my sanity but it's in vain? I'm too far gone, maybe already insane, to escape..? So I'm so insane already that I can't just leave anymore, huh....But she said I could maybe be strong enough to live better days, probably be strong enough to get a better life!'

I was a bit determined to get the good option, but I wasn't sure if I was gonna get it with how things are going...


Trender has just finished relaxing or trying to help me ease up. I was one of the last ones as we left the little cave and met up with zill, tony, jerry and tori.

Zill and Tony were hugging greg as tori had her arms crossed with a slight frown. Jerry was standing an rolled his eyes at the boys.

"Alright, its time to go back to your save spots and continue on to Level 3." Slender informed

The boys held each other for a bit longer while I felt the worry rise within. Once they let go of each other I grabbed gregs wrist.

"We were heading north, if you get a compass or something to help you with directions then start heading south and avoid as many hunters as you can!" I said a bit quick," I don't care if you have to run away or cower, just try to survive till we can make it to this snow biome."

Greg smiled but we were teleported back to our original spots. He was no longer there with a smile.

My heart dropped as I couldn't get a goodbye or okay, no reassurance.

"What the hell?!" Tori slightly hissed," at least let them say goodbye!!"

The others looked at us and asked us what happened or why tori was upset. I just pulled on a smile and grabbed my weapons an a few supplies.

"We start heading North." I said," Now."


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