:Ch 13: ( ̄、 ̄)

338 18 14

<~¤ 3rd POV ¤~>

As Tony and Jerry tried to help themselves free to help Y/N, Y/N had changed.

She was conscious but she wasn't in the right headspace. She took out her knife and stabbed splendors tendril. He roared in pain as she was free.

She dodged his tendrils as she ran on one an stabbed the tendrils holding tony an jerry.

They fell and dropped their weapons as she jumped off the tendril she was on and landed in front of them. She then turned around and threw her knife at splendor.

She grabbed the chain with the blade at its end and used the end without a blade to push splendor back.

A tendril stabbed her stomach but she only started laughing psychotically.

"Cute~!" She cooed like a lunatic

She pulled the tendril out and almost struggled to move forward, but she forced herself to move.

'Whats going on..? Why can't I feel anything but feel everything too... everything hurts....grinny, pik...im so sorry- seed im so sorry..!'

Her inner mind wasn't aware of what she was really doing. She still thinks she's frozen within splendors hold.

But her body was currently wrapping the chain around splendor and pulled him down. He fell back as she stabbed the blade into the ground and then she quickly grabbed her bow.

If both splendor or Y/N were really seeing what was happening, both would be devastated.

Y/N shot arrows at the tendrils that tried to break splendor free as a green flare went off.

Tony an jerry were just frozen in fear and shock. Tony soon found the courage to get up as he then ran over to Y/N.

He grabbed her and stopped her from shooting another arrow as he made her look at him.

"Y/N its over- you won!" Tony urged," stop attacking, we're fine!"

Y/N didn't see tony, she only saw cameron. But once her inner mind started seeing cameron she knew something was very wrong.

"Cameron..?" She said as her eyes became heavy

She collapsed out of consciousness and tony held her in his arms.

"Y/N?" Tony called, slightly scared," Y/N?! Hey! Wake up, whats wrong!?"

The pastas ran out from their places and gathered around. Masky took Y/N from tony an gently put her on the ground as they all called for her to wake up.

Everyone's concern showed as pinky an scarecrow pushed everyone back. Hoodie, masky and toby were the only one's allowed to go near her due to them knowing a few medical techniques.

"Y/N Can you hear me? Are you conscious?" Hoodie asked, masky checked her pulse

Toby gave her a healing potion as tony felt useless.

"Her heart rate is going wild, we need to find that other group to see if they have smiley or ej or nurse anne." Masky informed

Tony pushed through and pushed them away.

"W-Wh-what are you d-d-d-d-doing-"

"I was a part time nurse, I know what I'm doing." Tony said confident

In truth he was panicking and trying to put his teachings to good use to see if she's okay. He checked if she was breathing correctly as he did all the necessary things for her well being.

"She's just unconscious, her heart rate is starting to slow down and she's at least breathing alright." Tony informed," But that wasn't her on field..."

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