:Ch 15: (o ‵-′)ノ"(ノ﹏<。)

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Welp Time to cry guys 😇


It was almost night time and I noticed Jeff, Lj, candy, and offender have been acting strange. They look sad really.

I wanted to ask but jerry slightly screamed as I quickly turned around. He ran over to me and used me as a shield as I looked around.

"What?! What happened?" I asked as I readied my bow

"There's some kind of HAIRLESS DOG shit in the bushes!!" Jerry freaked

I perked up and looked at him then back at the bushes. I put my bow down and stepped forward a bit.

"Rake?" I asked as I stepped forward once more

He came out and grumbled.

"I Not pet." He growled

A blue flare didn't go off so that must mean-

Smile dog came running at me an jumped on me, tackling me to the floor and covering my face in his saliva. I tried to move as I could feel his tail wagging vigorously with joy.

"The fuck- I'm here too you ungrateful bitch!" Jeff complained

Smiles stopped an ran toward jeff.

"I WAS KIDDING!!" Jeff shouted as smiles then tackled him

I laughed my ass off as I cleaned my face and got up. I turned around and saw zill and tori come out with their bets.

The ones who came out were Jane, nina, clockworks, jill, lost silver, ej, dr. smiley, zero and lastly double h.

"You're still alive!" Jane said happy


"I'm not even surprised." Ej said unbothered

I giggled as I then ran over to tori and zill. I hugged them and was relieved they were okay.

"Told ya we'd be good!" Tori chuckled

"Tony!" Zill cheered relieved

Tony joined the hug and I smiled. We let go of each other as The others started asking how they were defeated or how I was during their battles.

I asked tori an zill if they were okay and they said they've been doing great as a duo to defeat the hunters.

"You guys find greg yet?" I asked

They were confused but zill looked a little worried now.

"We thought you guys probably found him- especially by now!" Tori answered

Zill and Tony didn't look so calm as they both looked worried.

"Zill we know greg, he's more than likely hiding somewhere! He's scared, he's gonna hide somewhere for days." Tony said

"Yeah but it doesn't help if we can't find him." Zill replied

"Relax!" I said," We've found each other now and we have allies that can help us track him down!"

They relaxed a bit as I gave them a plan. I then brought them over to the others and introduced everyone.

"Grinny, Seed, Rake- all allies we need you for a search and rescue." I announced

They came over as I looked to tony an zill.

"First off, Im really glad we've all survive and made it to see each other again..but we are still missing one more person." I said as I looked at the animals," we need to find greg and if he's hiding we won't be able to find him. So we'll get some kind of scent from him and start looking but quickly!"

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