Chapter 33

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A foot step wakes me up, but I don't move. The smell of strong cologne hits my nose and I smirk. I here shuffling and something moving before he heads back out my room.

"You know sneaking around is rude." I state as he reaches my door, stopping him.

"You know that sending someone away is rude." I groan as I roll over and face Damon.

"I never sent you away. I only stated I was tired. I wanted you to stay." I reply before rolling back over. "Why do you have to wake me at this ungodly hour?"

"It's 10 o'clock." Damon states and I hear him walk into the room. the bed dips and I turn over again, leaning on my elbows.

"Still to early. what you want?" He sighs and I roll my eyes, letting my body hit the bed. "what is it?"

"Isobel. Elena's mother... she's in town." My body jolts up and I stare at him, wide eyed.

"she must not know I am here." my voice is full of panic.

"Why?" Damon asks and I shake my head, standing an rushing around, grabbing my clothes from yesterday and changing.

"She just can't know I am here." I snap before I vamp speed away.


A sigh escapes my lips as I sit on the couch.

"You okay?" Someone walks up behind me and sits next to me. Stefan.

"Found out that Isobel is in town. don't want her knowing I am here." I state as I take another sip Of my bourbon.

"Why?" He asks and I see he is ready for going out somewhere.

"Where you going?" I ask and he rolls his eyes. "don't you roll your eyes mister. where are you going?"

"You didn't answer my question and I can roll my eyes at you. your younger." he replies and I shake my head, chucking down the rest of the drink.

"You didn't answer mine and I may look younger, but I am still older then you." I state and stefan sighs.

"I'm going to check on Elena... to see if she is okay." I nod my head. "Now answer."

"She doesn't really like me. I sent her to Katherine who sent her to Damon. then I tried to feed of her." Stefan frowns and I shrug. "what?"

"There has to be more then that." he says and I look down.

"I was in a bad mood when she came to me." I start and he narrows his eyes. "it was a mistake!"

"What was? What did you do?" I stand up and pour myself more bourbon. "angel."

"I compelled Alaric to sleep with me. then I wiped his memory. but I made sure to make a tape and show it to Isobel." stefan's eyes widen and I gulp.

"You did what?" He asks, shocked and I groan.

"I was in a bad mood." I complain and he stand sup shaking his head.

"That doesn't mean you should have done that! No wonder she hates you!" He snaps and I roll my eyes.

"Come one Stefy. we both know what happens when I get in a bad mood." I lean against the table and he rolls his eyes.

"Still doesn't mean that you ha to sleep with Alaric!" He whisper yells and I groan again, sipping my bourbon. But a small smile spreads on my lips.

"He was good though." I shrug and stefan runs his hands down his face.

"Your cruel and despicable and so many other words. but I can't hate you." I grin at him and he goes to the front door.

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