Chapter 19

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"I've been alright, Damon. It's good to see you." john states as I hand out the drinks.

"ANGEL! Come one!" Matt shouts and I walk upto him. "Can you go and get some burger meat?" He hands me some money and I sigh.

"Sure." I state and I walk out the grill. shit, I can't listen in. Soon, I reach the shop before looking around. it is really quite. I sigh before using my speed to get back faster so I can listen in.

"Wow." matt says and I smirk before handing him the burgers. I walk away and watch as John lights a candle for the victims and Damon joins him.

"So, John. Rumor has it that you know a lot, and won't say anything." Damon says and scoff.

"How do I know you can be trusted, Damon? Originals can compel vampires. And, according to Stefan, that's why Katherine's still in the tomb, because an Original has compelled her to stay there. and you have the original that has started working here." try both look at me and I quickly turn around and get some orders.

"Only because all of the vervain had left her system. Stefan and I, on the other hand, are chock full." Damon replies and I feel bike rose in my throat. how can a vampire drink vervain!?

"You guys are drinking vervain?" I squeal as I walk over to them. Damon smirks and so does john.

"It's an acquired taste. I don't see that magic little ring on your stitched finger, so if you know something about Klaus, you better start talking, or I will kill you in your sleep." Damon threatens john an I grab his arm so he doesn't act on the threat here and now.

"Is that any way to convince me that you and I are on the same side? First, I need to know that I can trust you, Damon, that I can count on you. Then we'll talk." John leaves. I glare at Damon before taking off my apron and running to the bar tender.

"Sorry. but I need to go." I mutter. he chuckles before taking the apron. I run after john but find Elena about to leave.

"You're not leaving this restaurant." I state and she sighs.

"You can't tell me what to do." She snaps back and I groan before john shows up.

"Yes I can. You want to know why? Because I'm here to make sure you stay safe." I reply, thinking in what I told Jeremy one time.

"I've got that covered."

"Are you talking about the deal that you made with Elijah? Do you really think he's gonna keep his promise to you? Putting your faith in him was a dumb move." John states and I feel the urge to rip out his throat.

"Are you saying I should put my faith in you? After everything that you did to Stefan and Damon?" Elena says sarcastically. what did he say to Damon!?

"We've had our differences, and I've made mistakes, but you and I, we're family." john states.

"Hey. I am more of a family to her then you are." I snap and he glares at me.

"You don't get to use that word. That word is off-limits to you!" Elena shouts and some people stare.

"Fine, but it doesn't change the facts." John sighs and Elena glares at him.

"You're right. Facts are facts, so listen up: you may be my father, but I'm never going to be your daughter, you got that?" Elena storms off and I smirk.

"How are you more of a family!?" John snaps at me and I scoff.

"For one. she likes me more then you. two? I am dating her little brother." I walk off. Once I get out the door, my body slams into something hard.

"What are you doing?" I look up and sigh.

"I started work. I'm bored." I reply and Elijah chuckles before putting an arm around my shoulders, leading me away from the grill.

"I want you too check up on caroline. you need to be her friend." Elijah says and I frown.

"Why do I need to check up on her?" I ask and he leads me to a car.

"Because you do. she has just gone through a lot tonight and I remember how you used to love them girly night with my sister. suggest that." Elijah gets into the car and I do the same. we drive in silence before we reach a nice house.

"I don't think her mom is in. there." He says.

"She doesn't know who I am." I state.

"She will by the end of tonight." I groan before getting out the car and walking upto her house.

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