Chapter 6

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I slip on my jacket, walking upto the school.

"You ready?" Klaus asks and I nod, glancing at Rebekah.

"Yes." we vamp speed away from him and walk through the corridors.

"I've always wanted to know what it's like to be in a high school." Rebekah admits. "to have a normal life." I scoff, my heels clicking on the floor.

"Honestly, you dont." I reply. my eyes land on Caroline and Tyler kissing against the lockers.

"You two are adorable." they brake a part, eyes wide as they stare at me.

"Angel?" Caroline asks and I smirk at her.

"This is Caroline, Elena's friend. and that is tyler, the werewolf." I introduce them to Rebekah.

"And who is she?" Caroline asks and I smirk.

"I'm the new girl." The original replies before camping out. She rushes over to Caroline as I lunge at tyler. he growls at me, his wolf eyes and teeth showing. I pin him to the ground, pinning his hands over his head a so straddle his stomach.

"I have those!" I exclaim, showing him my face. yellow eyes gleam into blood shot yellow eyes as my fangs match his. another difference is that I have veins under my eyes and I am much much stronger.

"Stop messing angel. Take him to klaus." Rebekah scolds and I smirk at tyler. I drag him up and hold him by his arm. I'm a little smaller then him but a lot stronger.

"Come on puppy, let's meet the big bad wolf." I drag him towards the sports hall as he tries to a truffle from my grip. Rebekah vamp speeds away to another direction to retrieve the witch.

"Why are you doing this?!" Tyler asks and I pin him to the lockers, my forearm against his chest.

"I have no choice. now I'm going to give you some advice. do want everything your told or you will end up dead." I hiss, letting him go and stepping back.

"Your like klaus, aren't you?" He asks, following me. smart boy.

"Yes. I am a hybrid." I reply. "anymore questions?"

"That means your part werewolf. have you gone through your first transformation?" He is nosy. I sigh, turning to him.

"I am part werewolf. I am part vampire. and no, I have not gone through my first shift. well, not fully since a witch tried to force it on me. yes I have killed people. and a bracelet I never took of forced me to never shift because my mother didn't want me to apparently. Anymore?" He nods his head, crossing his arms.

"Do you have a pack?" this one catches me out. I bite my lip, looking down before turning on my heels.

"They are Dead." I reply before grabbing his arm and dragging him with me. We enter the main hall and I see klaus, Rebekah, bonnie, matt, Elena, Dana and another boy there.

"I guess you all know angel." they stare at me as I throw Tyler to the floor. "Beware, After our little road trip, she has become quite feisty." I growl at klaus and he smirks. "but i like you to meet Rebekah, my sister. word of warning.... she can be quite mean."

"Don't be an ass, klaus." I snap.

"Anything, love." he says before I grab Tyler again and throwing him into klaus.

"Leave him alone!" Elena yells an I roll my eyes at her.

"I'm going to make this very simple... every time I attempt to make a hybrid, they die during transition. it's quite horrible actually." klaus says before biting his wrist and force feeding tyler his blood. He then turns to the witch.

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