Chapter 15

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"So we're fasting now? We're so pious. How long have you actually gone without blood? I know you get desiccation in theory, Angel, but in reality, it's much worse. Your heart still beats, struggling to pump whatever blood remains. When it's gone, your veins rub together like sand paper. It's excruciating." Katherine states and I get up.

"The pleasure I'll get from watching you suffer is greater than any pain I'll ever feel." I reply and she pouts.

"You really think Elena is gonna rush to get you out? She's got what she wants: Jeremy and damon." Katherine says and I glare at her

"Stop." I hiss and she smirks.

"All you have to do is when she comes back is kill her. she will be fine." she says and I just walk off to the entrance. me eyes meet Elena's and she steps in the tomb. without any control,i lunge out at her sink my fangs into her neck.

Suddenly, i wakeup with a gasp and look at Katherine.

"Stay out of my head." I snap as I pant at her.

"Maybe I can do eternity in here after all." She smirks.

After a while, she speaks again.

"Niklaus. you kept calling klaus, niklaus. Why?" She asks and I just lie back down.

"That was his name when we were human. I used to have a crush on him." I reply and Katherine chuckles.

"Explains why you were blushing at him at the dance." She states and I look at her confused. "I still remember that." We stop talking and I close my eyes.


"Are we seriously not going to talk at all?" Katherine asks and I groan.

"We could talk about how you regret all you've done to make my life even more miserable." I suggest sarcastically.

"What do you want me to say, angel? That I'm sorry for everything that I've done? Well I'm not, okay? It's called self-preservation. I've been looking out for myself for 500 years." She replies.

"Look where it has gotten you." I wave my arm at her and she sighs.

"Yes, I've done terrible things. I know that, but I do care about you Angel. Even if you don't believe it." She states.

"You want me to believe you? Show me. Do something. Prove to me that there's something inside of you that's actually worth trusting. I saw it once." I reply to her as I sit up.

"And then what? You're still gonna hate me." I shrug at her question.

"Maybe and maybe I'll see that there's still hope for you after all."

"You're playing me." She pouts and I chuckle.

"Am I?"

"You want to find Klaus? Kill him so that you can protect your precious Jeremy and Damon?" I nod.

"Let me guess: you know where he is."

"No, I don't, but I could help you find him."

"For a price I'm sure." Everything comes at a price.

"Start with Isobel, Elena's mother. She was a research expert. She found you." we look at each other. "You're welcome."

We hear a noise that the door is being opened. We look at each other and go to the entrance. my eyes widen at the sight.

"Elijah." We both say. Mine in shock, Katherine's in fright.

"Good evening Katerina. Thank you for having the good sense to be frightened." He replies and then turns to me. "Your release has been requested."

"What? By who?" I ask.

"The lovely Elena drives a hard bargain on Jeremy's and Damon's behave. However, we reached a peaceful agreement, she and I. Please." He gestures for me to leave. "Come."

"I can't." I state and he chuckles.

"Yes, you can. I've had the spell lifted." I walk out slowly. Once im out, Katherine rushes to get out too, but Elijah blocks the entrance. "As for you however, you should not exit until I say so. When Klaus comes, he'll want to know exactly where you are." He compels her and I stare. "You're free to go. Elena will explain the arrangement to you. If she keeps her word, I'll keep mine." He quickly leaves and I look back at Katerina.

"Angel, no. Please don't let him leave me in here." She pleads.

"Goodbye Katerina." I let my old English accent loose once more before leaving.

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