Chapter 1

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Alex Paddington's POV

"I want to inspect every inch of the property before I buy it." My voice was sharp and pointed. Everyone feared me, not just in the world of business, but even back at home. I mean I am after all, the Alpha's son. And soon-to be Alpha of the Dark Moon Pack.

"Sir, I'm afraid this property is being used at this very moment. However I can schedule and appointment for you to check out the building tonight?" He said from behind his desk, pushing up his think, black glasses a little. I could smell the sweat right off him and I knew he was nervous. Well, who isn't? It's about time he knew a little secret about me, never in my years of business have I ever taken a 'no' as an answer.

"Let me be very clear, Mr ..." I moved my head down to look at his name tag "Fernandez" I continue "If you want to keep your lovely job at this company I suggest you get off your ass and show me around the building. Weather it's being used or not." I add slowly, loud and clear for him to understand. His hand trembles on his mouse and his eyes widen with fear. He immediately jumps off his black leather chair and starts to take me towards the elevator.

"Follow me sir." Is all he says before he starts guiding me through the edifice.

I was buying another asset for my company, Paddington Corp. I was extending the size of my human resources department and my other property wasn't big enough to fit all of us. My company had quite a reputation and I intended on keeping it that way. My father, George was the owner of Paddington Corp, but he retired and passed the business on to me. Our pack had been alive for centuries, but when my father became the Alpha he decided to create a cover for the members of the pack so we wouldn't be haunted down by hunters. As we became famous, we were suspected less and got them off our backs. All the employees of Paddington Corp are members of my pack, which made recruitment the easiest job in my company.We easily blended in with humans and were in the safe zone.

The doors opened and a blast of loud music hit my ears. More precisely, Nicki Minaj. I could hear her rap strike my ear drum as I exited the lift, immediately following the sound. I don't bother looking at Fernandez behind me, calling my name as he tried to catch up. When he finally did, he was gasping for air but tried his best not to show it.

"This is the dancing floor, sir" he says between breaths. Dancing floor? That explained the music. I abruptly heard the noises of laughter coming from the same room I hear the music coming from, but something about me pulls me in it's direction.

"Give me five minutes to re-check the building" I demand "I will be back with you downstairs in five" I told Fernandez wanting him to go away and he did as he was told without a noise. Good, I thought to myself. I continued following the sound of the melody as it started getting louder until I could hear the lyrics clearly.

"Bang bang into the room, I know you want it.

Bang bang all over you, I'll let you have it.

Wait a minute let me take you back, wait a minute till you..."

I saw the door slightly open and poppped my head through to peek inside. I suddenly dropped my eyes to see three female figures dancing in middle of the floor. My eyes immediately fix at the shape in the middle. Instantly I was stunned by her beauty and her very sexy dance moves. Her long and flowy brown hair moved with every swing of her choreography. Her piercing brown eyes coordinated with her hands as she danced on with her beautiful body. Damn she's gorgeous! My wolf growled on the inside as she suddenly started twerking slightly. I watched her, more like stared at her attentively as the song finished. She brushed her hair back and the rest of the people at the back joined them on the dance floor with claps, hugs and smiles. Laughter spread around the room until a funny looking guy silenced the room to speak. He cleared his throat before he started speaking

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