So You've Had A Crappy Day? Join the Club. I'm President.

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Anyone ever heard of Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Ever see how perfect his life can be?

Well, today has been pretty much the opposite.

It all started in homeroom. . .

Here's what happened in each period (bell at my school) and some stuff from afterwards.


Me: *tries to read*

Every single friend in my homeroom: *talks to me*

Gahhh! People need to realize that when I'm reading, they need to leave me the hell alone.

Bell 1-

I wasn't allowed to read (but I got back at my teacher when she gave us all 3 jolly ranchers and I took 4)


Me: *to my friend(s)* This reminds me of the Blue Man Group

Teacher: Have any of you guys heard of the Blue Man Group? Because-

Me: *shouts* I literally just said that!

Teacher: -*continues speaking and ignores me and doesn't even mention the fact I SAID IT FIRST, MRS. NEMETH!!!!!*

Bell 2-

We watched the French Soap Opera I love and talked about how guys at my school aren't hot and apparently those French guys in that video aren't either xD

Nothing really bad happened in this bell, it's the only one I liked today

Bell 3-

Jasmae went into the trashcan for dogeballs with wheels on it and got rolled around the gym floor until it tipped over and she fell out.

We were all forced to sit by the wall for ten minutes in silence

Bell 4-

My friend, Diamond, was crying while sitting next to me and I got distracted thinking about how awful of a friend I am and got yelled at by Battalio


My friends ditched me and I had to sit alone at the table with people who seem like they hate me, though they probably don't and I'm just paranoid xD

Bell 5-

Didn't do my HW because life sucks

Bell 6-

Took test in one of the many computer labs and my friends were told to move so I was by myself.

And I only got 50% on my HW completion even though that totally deserved a 75.

Bell 7-


Need I say more?

After bell 7-

I tried to show my best friend this but my other friend wouldn't shut the hell up. I swear, I was about to chop his head off, if not just slap him.

The Breaking Point-

Me: *reading Marked from the House Of Night series*

Newbie: What are you reading?

Me: A book. Go Away.

Newbie: What's it about?

Me: *holds book tighter* Stuff. Go. Away.

Newbie: Is it about werewolves?

Me: *looks at my friend Nancy, who is smiling. That. . . * No. Go. The. Hell. Away.

Newbie: Is it about vampires?

Me. Mhm. Go. Away.

Newbie: *starts another sentence*

Me: *slams book on desk and walk over to friends on other side of the room*

Maria: *gives me look of 'If you start killing people, don't you dare kill me*

Me: People won't freaking leave me the hell alone. She's sees I'm reading. She's sees that she should freaking leave me alone. What does she do? She keeps talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking. *while saying this I was sliding down the the ground and I almost got my split!*

I literally almost cried out of frustration.

On the bus-

We doubled up and I was forced into the back and the only other friend I have on the bus who doesn't take it on the afternoons anymore, other than Fridays, Sat in the front.

I had to sit alone and listen to popular people's conversations while trying to read.

I seriously got super close to killing someone out of fury.

It might not seem that crappy to you, but it was to me. And I'm pissed.

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