On Fleek

22 3 1

(yesterday in English)

Jalala [jah-lay-la]: *reading her sentence with noun and pronoun* "Jalala, your hair is on fleek today," Logan said. [that's her sentence, there's no one in my class named Logan... I spelled her name wrong on purpose, btw]

Mrs. M: On fleek? You know I've heard that before but I don't know what it means...

Adam: It's kind of like a-

Mrs M: On point?

Adam: Yasss omg.

Mrs. M: where did that word come from?

Me: Old Latin

Adam: Seriously?

Me: No.

Adam: ...Oh.

Billy: Fleekous *laughs at his own joke*

Girl In back who's name I don't know: *explains eyebrow story*

Adam: So basically it came from vine.

Mrs. M: Well now I have to find a way to say this.

*starts talking about the essay she's going to read to us to show what our essays should be like*

Mrs. M: This essay is on fleek, by the way

*every kid in my class cheers*

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