That person

14 2 1

Okay so every year (starting last year) my mom gives me and my sisters $5 and makes us buy $1 presents for each member of the family from Dollar Tree where literally everything except those books in the back that you really want to read is $1.

So I got my dad and my mom packs of 5 Reeses each. 

I got Lisa a Sophia the First stoking (is that how you spell that?)

and I got Scarlet Gold Fish Cracker things (because she worships them and will eat them in two seconds flat if my Mom would let her.)

So I was walking back over to where my dad was and I was going to hand him all my presents when I passed a huge glow stick package. Now, we all hate that person. You know, the one who breaks the sticks while they're still in the store so that when people buy them they won't work...

Yeah I couldn't help it and I became that person.

#noregrets #sorrynotsorry #whoops #hashtag

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