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I stood by the door and listened to the moans of the lady as she screamed his name, begging him to stop.

"Oh! Chaeyoung, please! Stop it. Ugh Chaeyoung".

Well, that’s one thing about Chaeyoung, he’s a sex god. Soon, I stopped hearing the lady’s screams and I figured he was done with her.

"Come in, Somi", I heard his cold voice from inside and I wondered how he knew I was actually there.

I adjusted my skirt and opened the door with the file in my hand.

I got into the dazzling room and met him taking his jacket from the bed.

The so called lady was actually crawling to the bathroom. I took my eyes back to Chaeyoung as he backed me and wore on his long black jacket.

"Go-good morning sir", I greeted nervously. You wouldn’t blame me if I’m acting this way around him.

I mean there’s just something about this guy. a strange aura that surrounds him and makes the people around him shiver.

He turned and looked at me and I quickly took my eyes to the floor.

"Tell them I’ll be with them in a second", He said and walked away.

He read my mind again and knew I was coming to tell him the board of directors were waiting.

I watched him as he walked away and I also turned around and left the room.

He owns the top best high school in the country and also deals in the building and marketing of real estates. I don’t know how he was able to acquire all these but they’ve made him rich.

His mere presence around you can make you pass out and that’s because he’s just too handsome and hot.

I don’t really know how to explain this, everybody’s scared of him, even the authorities and that’s the reason none of them could question him about his wealth.

I get to know just little about it and that’s because I’ve been with him for a long time now. I’ve also been down there on his bed and trust me when I say this. Chaeyoung's the best when it comes to love making.

Although sometimes, he uses it to punish some ladies when he’s angry with them. I really don’t know how he does it and that’s why I say he’s wierd.

Sometimes I feel there’s something supernatural about him.

He doesn’t even have a family, no friend, yet he’s this very rich. Somehow I think he’s been looking for a lady.

I don’t really know her or anything about her but with how desperately he’s been looking for her. I fear she’s gonna be dead if he finds her.

I went out to the balcony and joined the rest of the board members on the round table where they sat, waiting for Chaeyoung's arrival.

"He’ll be here soon", I said to them as I took my seat and one of them sighed. They’re so scared of seeing him. They all started checking the files they were to present to him.

I also decided to go through my own files as well and in the process. I heard footsteps and the men started making little uncomfortable sounds like they were shivering.

I lifted my eyes and saw Chaeyoung walking gracefully towards us, his right hand in his pants pocket while the other operated his phone.

He was now putting on black long sleeve with the three top buttons opened, exposing a part of his chest, giving him the perfect devils look.

I got lost staring at him, wondering how someone could be this perfect. He was overly charming and mere words cannot describe him.

He got to the table and that was when I realize I was making a mistake.

I quickly sprang on my feet and joined the rest of the men who were already standing. You don’t sit when Chaeyoung's standing.

"Good morning sir", The men greeted with a little fear in their voices.

These are married men with families, being so scared of such a young boy. I mean, he’s so young and it puzzles me to know how he became this powerful.

He didn’t say a word as he walked over to the head of the table and sat on it and that was when the rest of us sat as well.

He dropped his phones on the table and move his fingers into his hair.

"I’m listening", He said coldly as he leaned on his comfy chair.

The first man stood up with his own file.

"So far the school has been progressive. The success is getting tripled by the day and there’s no way any other school in the country can ever beat us as the best", He said with carefulness and took his seat after Chaeyoung nodded.

The second man also stood up and was about doing his own presentation when Chaeyoung suddenly cut him off.

"I told you not to sign the deal with the JYPE, didn’t I?", He asked and the man’s eyes wide open. How did he get to know about it?.

"Sir, that’s...that’s what I was about trying to explaining to you".

"I told you not to sign it but you went ahead to do it your way", He cut him off again without looking at him.

"Actually sir, I went over it again and got to discover a lot of benefits attached to it. It was really awesome and I felt it’s not something we should miss".

"I’m sure if you get to hear the benefits as well, you’ll also~", A sudden cough interrupted him as he started choking.

He held his neck and coughed and I flinched. The rest of the men were also startled.

I looked at Chaeyoung and he was just staring at the table. Blood was already coming out from the man’s nostrils.

Immediately the coughing stopped and he held onto the table for support as he almost fell to the floor.

"Get out of here and never show your face to me again", Chaeyoung said. He took the files from the table and ran away immediately.

The suspense in the room doubled as everyone became stunned at what just happened. Their fears increased.

"Who’s next?", Chaeyoung asked and the man who was next to talk cleared his throat and stood up but immediately, a assistant showed up and interrupted the moment.

"Sir", She called politely with a bow.

"Sorry to disturb you but there’s a lady requesting to see you. She said it’s important".


A/N: Sorry if there were typos and grammatical errors.

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