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I sat alone in the sitting room with my hands crossed.

I had so many thoughts in mind. Mom walked in with a tray of food and kept it on the glass table in front of me.

"It’s time to eat~".

"I told you mom, I’m not hungry", I cut her off.

"Mina please, just do as I say".

"And what exactly is this?", I asked.

"To stay locked up for the rest of my life? I really don’t get you mom. What are you trying to achieve from all these? Why are you so bent on making my life miserable?".

"It’s for your own good Mina, for your own safety!”
", She half yelled and sighed.

"Going out is dangerous, trust me Mina, I know what I’m saying".

"Well I’ve been trusting you for 20 years now and unfortunately, I’m running out of that trust".

"Do you know how happy I was when I got to see the other parts of the world just within that short period of time? Do you know how beautiful it was?".

"I got to see a lot of things. I even made a friend, a nice lady, she was so kind to me even when she knew nothing about me".

"Life out there was so beautiful mom and I seriously don’t get why you’re trying to punish me by keeping me away from it".

"You’ve been hiding me my entire life now!", I yelled and paused. I gasped and shook my head.

"The same way that Man's wife has been hiding her daughter from Lucifer", I said and stared at her in disbelief.

She covered her mouth with her palm.

What? I blinked rapidly and moved backwards. No. It can’t be.

"That...That story you told me the other night", I said, fear running through me.

"I’m...I’m that Man's daughter right?".

"I’m the girl Lucifer’s looking for", I said helplessly but mom couldn’t say a word as she continued crying.

"Mom!", I called and a tear came rolling down my cheek.

No. This can’t be possible.
It can’t be true.

I’m that Man's daughter? The whole story was about me?. I come from hell?.

But how? Why?.

So, I’m the girl Lucifer’s desperately looking for so he could carry out his revenge on me?.

That’s the reason mom wanted me to stay indoors?.

"Mina", She called tearfully and tried holding me but I drew away from her.

"You lied to me, mom! You should’ve told me the truth!", I said angrily with more tears streaming down my cheeks.

"How could you keep this away from me? How?".

"I’m sorry", She said and I turned and backed her. All I could feel were pain.

To think I was being haunted by the price of hell?.

What kind of a life is this?. Am I expected to stay indoors for the rest of my life?.

"Mina please, understand with me", She said and held me from behind.

"I just didn’t want you to be scared. I only wanted the best for you cuz I love you too much. I wouldn’t know what to do if I lose you".

I didn’t even know what else to say. The whole thing just felt like a dream to me. I couldn’t believe it.

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