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I ran and walked for a long time before I was finally able to spot the road.

I was already tired and breathing heavily. Mom had really kept me hidden in a jungle.

I looked around and noticed the road was so beautiful but quiet. Gosh! I can’t believe I’m outside.

I looked at the blue sky and smiled. It was so beautiful and I considered it a blessing that I was able to witness it.

But there was a little problem. How do I leave this place?.

The road was so quiet and how do I get to see the other parts of the world?.

I looked left and right and started going right. I walked for a long time, admiring the trees and sky.

I really couldn’t wait to see the other beautiful sides of the world.

I walked for a long time without coming across any vehicle and I was already becoming tired.

Why did mom have to keep me in such a deserted area for so long?.

Finally I saw a vehicle a truck. I ran and hid behind a tree so I could have a proper look.

There were some huge men around it and they seemed to be loading something into the truck.

It’s bags of rice! Why do they have so much of it? Maybe they were taking it to a market for sale.

I watched as they loaded the truck which was facing my direction and after a while it seemed they were done because they all entered into the front of the truck and I heard the engine turning on.

Were they leaving?.

I quickly ran towards it and entered the back, managing my way in between the bags of rice.

It was so uncomfortable but I had to endure it. At least it would be making my dreams come true.

My dreams of getting to see the other parts of the world.

I laid low and the truck started moving.

Hah! Finally.

I kept thinking about the whole thing. I hoped it was going to be successful.

But mom, what would her reaction be when she returns and can’t find me at home?.

I hope she doesn’t get hurt. I just want to explore the world. I promise to return to her when I’m done.

After a very long travel, the truck stopped moving and I lifted my head to see I was in a busy place filled with humans.

This is real!. I did it!.

I smiled happily and tried coming down from the truck but just when I was about to, two men showed up and looked surprised seeing me there.

Damn! I’m dead. They were men from the truck.

"Hey, you! What the fuck are you doing here?", One of them asked.

I nervously climbed down from the truck and stood in front of them.

I noticed one of them had so many black drawings on his hand. Was it drawn with a pencil or what? It makes him look bad.

"I’m so sorry sir, please forgive me, I just needed a ride", I placed my palms together and said and before they could say any other thing I ran away.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me until I was sure I was far away from them, that was when I settled down to look around.

Was this for real?.

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