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The knock on the door came repeatedly and I rushed out of the bathroom to check it out. I opened the door and of course, It was mom.

"Mina", Mom called with relieved.

"Where have you been? I’ve been knocking for so long", I sighed and walked back into the room and she followed me behind.

"I was taking my shower mom", I replied but she still looked around the room. Hold on is she doubting me?.

"Seriously mom, do you think I’m lying?", I asked.

"Where else could I possibly be in this room? I’ve been locked here my entire life. It’s not like I have a choice anymore".

"Mina", She called tenderly and held my hand. I kept quiet and tried not to look at her.

"Mina, I know you’re upset but I want you to know I’m doing this for your own good".

"I’ve been hearing that for the past twenty years mom but you still can’t explain it to me. Why are you keeping me locked in here?", I said.

"Why don’t you want me to go out? I don’t even know what the outside world looks like. The only people I know in my entire life is just you and Jihyo. Come on mom, I’m twenty already. Isn’t it enough?", She heaved a sigh and closed her eyes then she opened them and placed her hands on my cheek.

"I love you, Mina", She said sadly.

"And one day, you’ll get to understand I’m doing all these for your sake", She added.

"Your tutor is waiting for you in the living room", I left her and went to the bed to sit.

"I can’t learn today. I’m feeling dizzy", I replied as I sat on the bed. She walked up to me then kissed me on the forehead and left the room.

I sighed and stood up to go stand by the window. I looked outside and saw the same view I’ve been seeing my entire life. I don’t even know where I am.

When I look out the window from the tallest part of the building where my room was, all I could see were trees and grasses.

As soon as mom gave birth to me, she kept me locked in here. Yes, I’ll call it locked because I have no idea what the outside world looks like.

I don’t even go to school and Jihyo has been my home teacher right from childhood. I don’t even know what having a friend looks like because the only people I know is mom and Jihyo.

Mom has forbidden me from going out because she said it’s dangerous and it’s something I’ve been trying to understand.

What does she mean it’s dangerous?.

I mean, they’re other people out there in the world. Even she herself goes out. So why is my own case different? Why is she doing this to me?.

I don’t even know my dad. According to her, he’s dead. But why do I feel unsecured about this whole thing?.

What could mom’s secret be? Why is she keeping me away from the world?.


Mrs.Myoui POV

I walked out of Mina's room and met Jihyo there in the sitting room.

"She won’t be able to receive lectures today", I told Jihyo as I went to stand by the window.

"Oh! Why is that? What’s wrong with her?", She asked but I didn’t reply immediately.

"She’s angry with me. She wants to get out of here", I said and a brief silence stepped in.

"Well, you wouldn’t really blame her Mrs.Myoui, She’s been treated like a prisoner for twenty years", Jihyo said standing up.

"Well, what am I supposed to do?", I asked and turned to look at her.

"My hands are tied Jihyo, and you know it. Chaeyoung's out there looking for her and if I let her step a foot out of this building, he’s gonna sense her and find her".

"So do you plan on keeping her locked up for the rest of her life? Is that what you plan to do?", She asked.

"I don’t know Jihyo but the most important thing right now is keeping my daughter safe".

"You know my husband what  did to Chaeyoung. My husband killed his entire family. He murdered Chaeyoung's mother in front of his eyes when he was a kid and now, all he wants is revenge. And that’s why he grew up searching for Mina till now because she’s Myoui's only child".

"Jihyo, you won’t blame me if I’m scared. Only heaven knows what Chaeyoung will do to Mina if he lays his hand on her. I don’t know what to do?", I said and buried my face in my palm.

I was really so scared. Scared for Mina. Chaeyoung's a devil and I can’t let him lay his hand on her.

"It’s okay Mrs.Myoui", Jihyo said.


A/N: Sorry if there were typos and grammatical errors.

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