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I hurried out of the office to where Somi said the workers were.

I couldn't believe Myoui's daughter was right here with me. I needed to find her.

I got there and looked around, trying to find her.
The scent I couldn't find it anymore.

I couldn't feel it anymore but why couldn't I?.

"Where is she?", I muttered to myself, trying to fix the scent.

It was just too far from me. I couldn't feel it anymore. That only meant one thing she wasn't here anymore.

"Where is she?", I turned to the guards and asked and of course they all looked at me confused but I didn't care.

"Where the fuck is she?!", I yelled and they're felt the fear running through my veins.

"Si-sir?", One of them stuttered.

I move my fingers into my hair and sighed. Anger was eating me up already.

But I'm sure I wasn't mistaken. She was here.

I was able to feel her. What the hell happened?.



"Mom wait!", I yelled at mom who keep dragging me by the hand till we got to her car.

She opened the door and pushed me in and shut the door immediately.

"Mom! What are you doing? Just listen to me".

"No, you listen to me!", She yelled as she sat next to me in the driver's seat.

How on earth was she able to find me?.

She just showed up all of a sudden at the estate and dragged me away. What the heck?.

"Why did you run away, Myoui Mina, tell me!", She demanded.

"Because I was tired of being a prisoner!", I fired back at her. I couldn't just control my mood at that moment.

"Do you know how dangerous It was?".

"Well the only thing that seems dangerous to me right now is you!", She sighed and placed her both hands on the sterling.

She didn't say any other thing and started the car.

"Stop the car mom, I'm not going with you".

"Mina, please! Stop making this anymore difficult for me. I promise to explain everything to you at home but for now just do as I say. Follow me at home please, It's not safe here".

I looked at her. I promise if she doesn't explain it to me at home, I'm running away again.



I sat on the floor alone in the room again. I needed to find her by all means and this time around, I promise never to let her go.

I closed my eyes and folded my both hands, trying to focus. The method I was about making use of was sure dangerous but I had to.

I've been searching for her for far too long already and now I've finally gotten a hint on her, I need to put in more efforts.

I started the process and my breathing stopped. It all started coming up.

I could see her pretty face but her face was blur. She was here, really here in my building.

I could trace her with her footsteps. She was here but a woman showed up and took her away.

It was Mrs.Myoui!, her mother. She ran far away with her and got into a car.

They started driving for a long time but I was able to trace the road and distance.

They arrived in a deserted place and started walking on and going deeper into what looked like a forest.

They walked for a while and arrived at a tall building which they entered. It was definitely their house.

They're there!.

I found her!. I did.

I opened my eyes and gasped for breath. Blood was already running down my nose but it didn't matter to me.

I found Myoui's daughter. I know where she's staying.


Nothing's gonna stop me from getting her now. I swear with my life, I'm getting her today.


A/N: Sorry if there were typos and grammatical errors.

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