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I walked angrily into the throne room and stood before the elders Nayeon and Jeongyeon as they sat beside the empty throne.

"Minatozaki Sana", The eldest Nayeon called my name in full but I kept my head bowed.

"Did you say Lucifer sent you back from earth when you went to deliver our message to him?", She asked.

"Yes, Nayeon. I had gone in the disguise of someone else and tried to seduce him before using the knife on him but being the kind of person he is, he still figured I was the one and sent me back here".

"Lucifer said he’s never going to leave until he’s found Myoui's daughter", I replied with my head still bowed.


"Didn’t you tell him Taehyung had escaped and was presently on earth, searching for Myoui's daughter as well?", Jeongyeon asked.

"I told him Jeongyeon but he’s determined and wouldn’t listen", I replied and everywhere went dead silence for a while.

"Lucifer has given us more than we can", The eldest Nayeon said again.

"He’s ignored us and left the throne empty for years. He’s violated the laws in so many ways, we need a new prince", Jeongyeon said again.

The rest of the elders turned and looked at him in surprise.

"But Jeongyeon, you know we can’t have a new prince unless the current one is dead", Nayeon said.

"Exactly my point", He replied and the place shook.

I was forced to look at Jeongyeon. What?.

"You-You want us to kill Lucifer?", Nayeon asked.

"Yes! That’s just what he deserves for being so arrogant. It’s obvious he doesn’t care about the kingdom. So we need to kill him and crown a new prince", He replied with authority.

"But Jeongyeon, are you thinking straight?", I asked, trying not to sound abusive.

"We can’t kill Lucifer, He’s too powerful", I said.

"I can", We heard someone say from behind and I turned to see who it was.

Oh, Fucked. What the heck?.

She walked in majestically with a smile and stood beside me in front of the elders.

"Jeongyeon, Nayeon", She bowed and said.

"Send me to earth and I promise to kill Lucifer and return with his heart".



I opened my eyes weakly and found myself lying on a bed.

The ceiling was the first thing I could see and I could tell it looked different from the previous night.

"You’re awake", I heard someone say and I lifted my head to see a young lady in the room, dusting some items.

I shut my eyes and opened them again and groaned as I struggled to sit up.

Where was I?.

I noticed terrible pain in my womanhood and recalled the previous night with Chaeyoung. Just thinking about it brought tears to my eyes.

"Good morning, Miss", The young girl in the room said as she took a tray of food from a big table close to her and came up to me on the bed.

I looked around the room and noticed it was big and beautiful but how did I get here?.

"I’ve been waiting for you to come out of your pretty deep sleep. Here you need to eat, Sir Chaeyoung wants you to", She said and I stared at her.

"Chaeyoung?", I repeated.
Suddenly hearing his name just makes me scared.

"Yeah, this will be your room for now", She replied.

I recalled the horrible experience he made me pass through the previous night.

I had passed out during the process. I couldn’t believe I was no longer a virgin. He took my dignity without a second thought.

"It hurts right?", The lady beside me asked and I lifted my eyes to see her wearing a pathetic look.


"Having sex for the first time", She replied and I lowered my gaze again.

"Don’t worry, I understand. You’ll get used to it. Besides you should be happy it’s someone like Chaeyoung, that’s most ladies dream".

I shut her a surprised stare. Is she for real? I just lost my dignity forcefully and she’s trying to make me feel lucky about it?.

"Anyway, you should start eating immediately, Chaeyoung's orders", She added and I looked down at the food.

It was bacon and cheese together with a separate plate of beef and it looked really delectable.

Why is he giving this to me?. I thought he was going to starve me. The lady looked at me and I started eating.

"So I’m (Y/N) and I work as a maid here", She said with a broad smile and I just nodded.

"And you’re Mina, right?", She further asked. She seems to be a talkative.

Too bad I’m not in the mood right now.

"Yeah", I simply said.

"Well Welcome to Chaeyoung's estate. You’re the first lady he’s ever given this special treatment, I mean still keeping you even when he’s sexed you already".

"Normally he just uses and dumps. Doesn’t fucked a lady twice, It seems he has a special plan for you", She said while smiling and I shook my head.

Special plan indeed. I started rushing the meal and that was because I was terribly hungry.

"If I must say, you’re very pretty", She complimented and I blushed.

"Tha-Thanks", I replied a little and continued eating.

Suddenly the door opened and a lady walked in, standing by the door. The (Y/N) girl immediately sprang on her feet.

"You’re not being paid to gossip around, (Y/N)", The lady said.

"I’m sorry", The girl replied and walked out of the room.

Why is she scared of her, hold on I know this lady.

She was the same lady that had scolded me when I was admiring Chaeyoung's frame yesterday before he abducted me.

She had been so rude to me.


A/N: Sorry if there were typos and grammatical errors.

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