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What’s he talking about?.

"Mina", He called tenderly and tried holding my hands again but I resisted.

"Listen to me, you have to do this. This is our only chance Mina, don’t you understand?".

I shook my head and moved backwards a bit. Does he really expect me to just kill Chaeyoung? To kill someone?.

But, my mom, she’ll finally be free. We’re all going to be free.

What if this is really my only chance?.

I stood in front of the mirror, staring down at the little bottle on the table in front of me.

Chaeyoung just sent for me in his room and it was obvious what he was bound to do.

Taehyung words replayed in my head. "You can stop him and be free from him. We’ll all be free me, you, your mother, we’ll all have a peaceful life".

I have to do this. Chaeyoung has brought me nothing but pains. And I don’t know what he’s bound to do to me in the future.

I took up the bottle and opened it. The content was red liquid.

I shivered as I brought it close to my lips, staring at myself in the mirror.

It came close to my lips and was about pouring in, when suddenly I stopped. I stopped with the bottle still close to my lips and at that moment, I got to realize something.

I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t kill Chaeyoung.

Despite the pains he’s made me go through, I still couldn’t bring myself to get rid of him.

I don’t know. I can’t explain it. But I just didn’t want him dead. I kept the bottle back on the table and cried. What is wrong with me?.

I was throwing my only chance of survival away, all for a guy who doesn’t care about my feelings.

What am I doing?. Tears dripped down my cheeks to the table.

Why was I making such sacrifice for him? Isn’t this what Jihyo had called True Love?.

Yes, true love that involved huge sacrifice. What sacrifice could be greater than this?.

Sacrificing my happiness, my mom’s safety, everything, just for him to save his life. What greater sacrifice could there be?.

But how? Why?. Could I possibly be in love with him?.

I mean, all those times he was around me, touched me, I can’t explain it but they felt divine and somehow, I just didn’t want him dead.

At least, not by my own hand. I took the bottle and rushed into the toilet.

My heart beat rapidly as I opened it and made it face the toilet seat.

I was really throwing this opportunity away. Was I ready for it?, finally I flushed it down the toilet.

I really did it. I couldn’t kill Chaeyoung. But why? What does he mean to me?.

How could I make such sacrifice for him?.

If truly what Jihyo had said existed, then how did I fall in love with Chaeyoung?.

I heard the door of my room open and my heart pounded. I gasped and quickly wiped my face. It must be Chaeyoung.

I hid the empty bottle and making doubly sure there were no more tears on my face, I took in a deep breath and left the toilet, returning to the bedroom.

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