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What was going on with me?.

I looked at mom and she was staring weakly at me but she looked surprised.

"I’ll be back mom, I promise", I told her as I laid her head properly on the grass and stood up.

I ran back to where Chaeyoung was and I was shocked at what I saw.

He was surrounded by the evil creatures and was trying to fight them off with his powers.

I looked into my both palms. I could feel it the powers that strange feeling, it was there.

My breath became still.

They were over whelming me.
It was just too much.

Some of the creatures saw me and charged at me and I stretched out my both hands to them. I didn’t even know how it worked. I just did it and a light came out from my palm and struck at the creatures, making them and vanish.

It frightened me. I was scared.

Noticing the light, Chaeyoung turned to look at me and surprise was on his face.

He was lost staring at me and didn’t know he was being targeted by some of the creatures.

I saw it and stretched my hand towards them and they all growled and vanished.

The rest of the creatures looked at themselves in surprise.

Then Chaeyoung came towards me and held my hands. My heart was racing so fast.

He stared into my eyes with our hands joined and suddenly I felt a different feeling around me.

A heavy force started hitting at me like it wanted to explode me.

I looked at our hands and noticed a red and green light coming from it. What was he doing?.

Immediately the rest of the creatures started making loud voice.

A fierce wind started howling in the dark, blowing everything around. I could hardly see properly.

The demons were all growling and then I noticed something. Chaeyoung was merging our powers so he could kill them.

The strong wind increased and so did the cries of the creatures.

It persisted for a long time and finally, it all stopped.

The wind, the darkness, the cries of the creatures.
They all stopped. Everything went back to normal.

I looked around and confirmed it. The place had really become so calm and quiet. There was no trace of the creatures.

I looked at Chaeyoung and he was staring back at me, breathing heavily.

I felt so weak.

And immediately, I passed out.

I opened my eyes and the first gaze I caught was the ceiling.

I groaned and sat up on the bed I was and looked around the room. It was Chaeyoung's room.

Where am I?.

I tried recalling what had happened. The memories came flashing in.

I was about leaving the bed when the door opened with Chaeyoung coming in. I sprang on my feet immediately.

"Mina", He called sounding surprised.

"My mom! Where’s she? I need to find her", I said restlessly and tried rushing out of the room but he stopped me.

"She’s fine, you don’t need to worry about her", He said as he held me by the wrist.

"Mom...She was shot".

"I know. She’s being taken care of", He cut me off and I sighed, still feeling restless.

I really hope she’s fine.

He brushed his fingers into my hair and made me sit on the bed.

"How are you feeling?", He asked as he sat next to me. I touched my tummy.

Oh, my baby. I hope it's fine.

"I...I think I’m fine", I replied.

That strange feeling, the powers I could feel them. Were my powers really back?.

Wasn’t this he’s been waiting for?.

I looked at him and he sighed and stared away.

"I’m sorry you almost got hurt yesterday", He started.

"All these are happening because I’m not yet to return to my kingdom. They will keep coming after me".

"I guess I was scared to leave...leave you behind but now, I don’t think I have much of an option. I need to go back", I gasped and looked at him.

"You...You’re leaving me?", I asked and he nodded. Then, he held my cheeks and kissed me.

"I love you Mina", He said.

"And I wouldn’t want to be away from you and my baby but I have a kingdom to rule".

"Will you come with me?", He asked and my eyes widened open.

What?. I stared blankly at him.

He wants me to go to hell with him?.

"You want me to come with you?", I asked and he nodded.

"But there are enemies, there right? There are people who are trying to kill you", I said.

"They only wanted me back but I’m definitely gonna handle them when I return", He said.

I exhaled and stared at the floor.

Going to hell. I never thought of it.

But I heard it was a terrible place. I thought.

"You’re wrong", He said with a scoff.

"Hell isn’t as terrible as you all think Mina", He paused and turned to look at me, holding my hand.

"Come with me", He said.

"Just for a short time. Let me show you a glimpse of hell. And when I’m done, you decide if you wanna stay or return here to earth".

"Whatever you decide on, I’ll be okay with it", I furrowed my brows in surprise and stared into his face.


"Do you wanna give it a try?", He asked with his palm stretched out.

I looked at the open palm and think carefully and seriously about something.

Then I placed mine on his.

"Yes", I replied and he almost smiled.

He stared directly into my eyes and immediately, his eyes turned pure red and within the twinkle of an eye, I couldn’t feel myself anymore.

|•Happy Ending•|

A/N: Sorry if there were typos and grammatical errors.

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