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I remained standing for some time and finally went into Chaeyoung's room.

He was facing the window when I entered and I saw the maid dropping the cup on a small glass table in front of the bed.

"Your drink is served, sir", She said with a bow.

So Chaeyoung's supposed to drink it but what did she sprinkle into it?.

What if it’s poisoned?.

"You can leave", He said without turning to look at her.

She bowed again and turned around to leave and as she did our eyes stare into each other.

She paused and looked at me as we stood face to face, then she stared away and left the room.

I looked at the drink and didn’t know what to do. Whatever it is, I have a bad feeling about the maid and the drink.

What ever she sprinkled into the drink couldn’t be safe.

Chaeyoung suddenly turned from the window and approached the bed.

He was putting on a long black jacket and walked with his hands crossed behind his back.

"Go-Good evening", I greeted nervously with my gaze low.

He didn’t say anything as he just sighed and sat on the bed. He took up the cup and my heart skipped.

He’s going to drink it.

What do I do? I can’t let him drink it but I’m scared.

If I tell him about it, what if he doesn’t believe me? Or something goes wrong? And I end up in more trouble?.

I badly wanted to say to say something but felt so scared.

I watched anxiously as he brought the cup closer to his mouth and he drank from it.

He did.

My eyes wide open in shock and angst as he gulped more of it and put the cup back on the table.

"Come close", He said softly but I couldn’t move immediately.

He used his index finger and cleaned the lower part of his lips and I gulped nervously and went closer to him.

He still looked normal, like nothing was happening to him, but if the drink was poisoned shouldn’t he be choking or something?.

I got to where he was and he held me and made me sit on his legs. That was when a different fear began in me.

I’m not ready for this right now, Not again.

I’m still feeling a lot of pain in between my legs and it’s not going to be funny if he fuck me right now again.

He made me fall on the bed and he got on top of me afterwards. My heart was beating rapidly.

He placed a kiss on my neck and lifted his hand to my chest, pressing my b*obs.

He squeezed my right b*obs and bit the tilt from my shirt. I shut my eyes tight and tried not to make any sound, even if he clouded me with so much ecstasy and feelings.

He brought his hand down from my chest and sent it beneath my dress, making me whimper.

"Please don’t", I cried.

I was tempted to say it out but couldn’t since he’s warned me never to beg him.

I was so scared. I wouldn’t be able to bear the pain if he fuck me again at this moment. I was yet to recover from the previous ones.

I felt his cold hand go slowly through my laps all the way to my panty and I shivered. Why does he have to do this to me?.

He moved my panty and rubbed my clit and I gasped and held him tight, almost piercing my fingers into his skin.

Please, please, don’t do it. Don’t. I whimpered and a tear fall down my cheek.

He rubbed my clit and made me feel the fear of fingering at that moment. I was so scared.

Suddenly he brought his hand out and left me, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Return to your room", He said without looking at me but I was startled and couldn’t move immediately.

"Don’t make me repeat myself", He added and I gulped hard and left the bed.

What just happened? Is he really asking me to return to my room without touching me?.

I cleaned off the tear on my face and paused to look at him but he wasn’t staring at me. I couldn’t believe it.

I was scared he was going to force himself on me again but what happened?.

Without further doubt, I opened the door and walked out of the room. I sniffed when I got out of the room and surprisingly, I found the maid over there standing close to the room.

She was backing me at first but when she sensed my presence, she turned and looked at me. She looked angry.

I stood staring at her without saying a word. I mean I didn’t even know what to say.

Why was she here? And why does she look this angry?.

I furrowed my brows in suspicion and she stared her eyes at me and walked away.



I walked into the maid’s quarters and kicked the bed.

Argh! What the heck just happened? Why didn’t the poison have any effect on Lucifer?.

He should be dead by now.

I used my own blood in making it and with the other contents involved in it, it’s capable of killing any supernatural being, no matter how powerful he or she is.

It seems Lucifer has grown more powerful than I thought. I can’t believe the poison didn’t work on him.

I must get him no matter what. I must fulfil my promised to the elders.

The reason he’s unable to suspect me is because I’m among the few lucky people he can’t detect and I’ll make sure I kill him no matter what.

I’ve always been looking for this opportunity, an opportunity where he’ll be killed so that my boyfriend Lisa can take over the throne. And now I’ve finally gotten one, I won’t lose it.


A/N: Sorry if there were typos and grammatical errors.

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