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We drove pass mighty buildings and other people and they all looked stunning.

The other people in the car keep staring at me with surprise but I don't care. They won’t understand.

"So, I’m Momo", The pretty lady said as I followed her into her stunning house.

The sitting room was so big and beautiful and I got lost staring around.

"Hello? Are you okay?", She asked waving her hand in my face.

"Of course, I’m just...your house is so nice", I said, still running my eyes around.

"Thanks, nice but boring since mom died, it’s been like hell for me. Dad doesn’t have time for me and I think he’s planning on getting a second wife soon", She said and I stared at her.

But she should be happy. At least she gets to see the world, unlike me who had to be locked up for 20 years.

"Please have a seat", She said as she dropped her fancy bag on the couch.

"I love your dress", I told her just when she was about walking away.

"This?", She asked and pointed at it and I nodded.

"It’s my school uniform", She added.

"Uniform? You wear a particular dress to school?".

"Yes", She replied with laughter.

"That’s a funny question, Don’t you wear uniform to school?".

"Of-of course, I do. I just didn’t know everybody does", I replied and she laughed again.

"So which school do you attend?", I asked immediately.

"TWICE HELL UNIVERSITY, the best in the country", She replied boastful.

"The best?", I asked, must be really nice.

"Hold on don’t tell me you’ve never heard of it?", She asked but I only became more confused.

"Am I supposed to?", I asked.

"Seriously? Are you from this planet? How can you say you’ve never heard of TWICE HELL UNIVERSITY? Owned by Son Chaeyoung".

"Son Chaeyoung?", I repeated.

She sighed and brought out her phone from her bag, doing what I didn’t know with it.

"You don’t know this guy?", She asked as she showed the phone to me. It was a picture of a guy.

I take the phone from her and stared at it with disbelieve.

He was damn so cute, the most handsome guy I’d ever seen. How can someone be this handsome?.

Is it possible? Or is it because I haven’t met many other boys?.

"Son Chaeyoung is the youngest richest guy in the country. He’s the owner of TWICE HELL UNIVERSITY and also deals in the buildings of real estates".

"The estate where he lives is actually the most expensive building in the country. He’s hot as you can see and is every lady’s dream including mine", She said and chuckled but I didn’t say a word as I was lost staring at the incredible face.

"What’s your name?", I heard her ask but still couldn’t reply. Next she take the phone from me.

"It’s just a few seconds and you’re drooling already", She said with a smile.

"So what’s your name?".

"Hmm Myoui Mina", I replied and the picture replayed in my head.

He was just too handsome, his hair, eyes, lips, everything was perfect.

"Nice name Mina, Okay I’ll get you your food", She said and walked away.

Unfortunately she went along with her phone else, I’d have taken it up to go through the picture again.

I sat all alone, reminiscing with my hand on my chin and after a while she returned with a tray of food.

She set it in front of me and when I opened it, it was loaded.

How do I eat all of these? There was rice, chicken, carrots, juice just so many.

"Thanks a lot Momo", I said happily.

"Please don’t thank me. It’s nothing", She replied and I started eating.

This lady is just too kind. It was so delicious.

She stood up and left and when she returned, she was putting on something different, a casual dress and no longer the school uniform.

"You look good", I told her and she smiled sweetly.

"Thanks Mina", She blushed.

Immediately a call came into her phone and I watched as she receive it.

"Oh my Gosh! Are you kidding me?!", She screamed on the phone.

"Somi, thank you so much. I love you. I’ll be there".

And the call ended.

"Yes!", She screamed and jumped on her feet. I was startled.

"Is there~".

"You wouldn’t believe it Mina, I’ll be going to
Chaeyoung's estate today!".

"A friend of mine just called and told me the company she works for will be going there to deliver some supplies. So she wants me to tag along as one of their workers", She replied happily.

Wow! Sounds great.

"I’m so happy Mina. This will be my first time going to Chaeyoung's estate. What if I see him or he sees me?", She covered her face with her palm and chuckled.

Son Chaeyoung! It would have been so nice seeing him.

"Mo-Momo", I called.

"Isn’t it something I can tag along as well?".

"Oh!", She paused and bit her nails.

"Okay, no problem. I’ll just tell Somi about it. Besides since you’re acting so oblivious about everything", She replied and I gasped.

"Thank you so much", I said and she giggled.

"Just hurry up so we can leave immediately", She said.

"Sure, Okay!", I replied happily and rushed my meal.


A/N: Sorry if there were typos and grammatical errors.

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