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Mrs.Myoui POV

I returned home from work and noticed the door was open.

"Mina!", I called as I walked Into the house looking around.

"Mina!", I called again but didn't get a reply.

Could she be sleeping? But why was the door open?.

I went upstairs to her room and when I got in, I noticed the room was empty. She wasn't in. I checked the bathroom but same result.

Where could she be?.

"Mina!", I called and started going round the house, checking other rooms and corners. I searched around but couldn't find her.

No, No this can't be. I quickly brought my phone from my bag and called Jihyo.

"Jihyo, where's Mina?", I asked immediately she picked up.

"Mina? She's at home, I told you didn't I?".

"But she's not here!".


"I just got home and couldn't find her Jihyo".

"Where's she?", I threw the phone on the floor and busted into tears.

Mina don't tell me you ran away. How could you?.



Momo and I met up with the rest of the workers and we all entered a long vehicle and drove straight to Chaeyoung's estate.

I kept admiring the roads and streets, the flowers and decorations. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to get enough of all these places.

All the ladies in the bus keep talking about getting to meet Chaeyoung but I couldn't join in the conversation because I knew nothing about him.

So I just listened but his picture replay in my head and I just couldn't forget how handsome he was.

I couldn't forget the felling I had gotten when I first saw him. It felt enchanting.

I wonder if he's also in true love just like Jihyo said. If he is then that girl is so lucky.

Soon the long vehicle pulled over in front of a building like one that I've never seen before not even in pictures or movies. I gasped as it stunned me.

"Come on, Mina", Momo said and touched my hand and I followed her out of the bus together with the others.

I didn't realize my mouth was open as I stood like a statue and stared at the building

It was painted in white and black colors and looked so enchanting. Does someone really live in this?.

"Mina!", Momo called and jolted me and I shook my head and looked at her.

"Why are you just standing? You might get me into trouble. Come on we need to assist them in taking the deliveries in", She said and I just nodded and followed her to the back of the vehicle where the other workers were.

They were bringing out cartons from the vehicle and taking them into the estate and Momo and I grabbed one each for ourselves as well.

It was so heavy and I had great difficulty lifting it. Well, I'm very lazy but you wouldn't blame me. I mean I stayed indoors my entire life.

I managed to carry the carton along with me into the house, trailing behind Momo.

We met a lot of men in uniforms standing by the gate and I guessed they might be securities.

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