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"Hurry up with the bath. We’ll be going out soon. I’ve got a surprise for you", Chaeyoung said tenderly and left.

After bathing, I had breakfast and set out on the surprise trip with Chaeyoung.

We sat together in the car for a long time and without saying a word as he just kept staring out the window.

I was so nervous and fiddled with the tip of my shirt. What could his surprise be? I was so curious to know.

After a long time the car finally came to a stop and the doors were opened for us and we stepped out the same time.

I looked around and noticed we were in a different place with so many flowers around. It looked more like a garden.

Chaeyoung came and stood beside me and I turned to look at him. Was this the surprise he was talking about?.

"Mina", He called and crossed his hands behind his back.

"Are you okay carrying the baby?", He asked.

Huh? What sort of question is that?. I was stared at him confused then he turned to face me properly.

"I just want to make sure you’re not feeling like I’m making you carry a burden, but if you ask me, I sure don’t have a problem with it but what about you?".

"Are you ready to be a mother now?", He asked.

I stared at the floor. The thoughts worry at me. I’ve also been scared of it. Was I ready to become a mother at this age? And for the prince of hell?.

But what would happen to the baby if I didn’t want to keep it? I seriously can’t hurt my baby.

I heard him sigh and I lifted my face to look at him. He was now staring into the sky.

"You can be rest assured I won’t let anyone harm the baby. You’re under my protection now but one thing’s for sure, there’re gonna be enemies", He spoke calmly.

Immediately I heard my name.

"Mina!", I heard a familiar voice call me and I turned to see mom ran towards me.

What? Mom?. I opened my mouth in shock as she ran towards me, happily. It was my mom. It wasn’t a dream.

She’s alive.

"Mom!!", I called at the top of my voice and ran into her arms.



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The place was on fire. Nayeon, Jeongyeon and the entire council were angry, for the first time.

They couldn’t sit in the throne room but just kept pacing.

"That Lucifer has bitten more than he can chew", The first elder said. Nayeon anger resounding in her voice. I was standing as well.

"He needs to be killed", Jeongyeon suddenly said.

"What?", I asked.

"Do you really want to try again? I mean, haven’t we learnt our lesson? He killed
Taehyung, he killed Jennie", I saud.

"Chaeyoung killed everyone who made an attempt to kill him. He’s just too powerful. There’s no way we can defeat him", I added.

"And that’s the more reason he needs to be killed. He killed my servants!", Nayeon yelled and stopped walking.

"Release the 100 black angels and send them to earth. I want them to make an open attack and kill Lucifer!", Jeongyeon said and my eyes wide open.


"You want to send the black angels after him?", I asked in shock.

"Yes! And this time around, if he’s able to defeat them, I promise never to make an attempt on his life again", Jeongyeon said with an evil smile.

Nayeon agreed. But the black angels are way too powerful! Sending them all at once might make it difficult for Lucifer to defeat them.

"But Jeongyeon", I tried to speak.

"Release them, Sana! I want Lucifer dead! Together with that unborn baby of his", He said angrily.



I looked at my palm and noticed something strange there was a light on it.

At that moment, I felt something different, a whole new feeling. It was so strange and powerful like I’ve never felt before.

What was going on with me?.

What was going on with me?

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A/N: Sorry if there were typos and grammatical errors.

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