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I woke up the next morning with so much discomfort. I sat up on the bed and buried my face In my palm. I was feeling a light head ache.

Just then I had a strange urge to puke and I rushed into the toilet immediately, releasing all the contents in my mouth.

What the heck?.

I washed my mouth and looked into the wall mirror in front of me. Why did I have to puke this early? I can’t remember the last time I actually did this.

I washed my face and returned to the room and there I found (Y/N) dropping a tray of meal on the table.

"Hey Mina", She called as she gave me a glance and took her eyes back to what she was doing. I took in a deep breath and walked fully into the room, sitting on the bed.

"Good morning", I said tiredly.

"Good morning, Mina are you okay? You look kinda weak", She asked and I sighed.

"I’m fine I just don’t worry about it", I replied and she shrugged and sat beside me.

"By the way, you’re looking pretty this morning", She complimented with a smile.

"I thought I’ve always been pretty?".

"Yes, but you just look really pretty. Your face is", She paused and laughed.

"Anyway, here’s breakfast for you. Chaeyoung wants you to eat up immediately", She said and I looked at her.

"Chae-Chaeyoung? Have you seen him this morning?", I asked.

"Yes, When I had gone to clean up his room", I nodded and opened the meal. It was bread and eggs.

Chaeyoung, I wonder what he must be thinking. After he left strangely last night, I didn’t get to see him again.

I wonder what must be going through his mind. I couldn’t give an answer to his question. But I’m pretty sure he read my mind.

I wonder what he must be thinking. I took a slice of bread and fixed some eggs into it. It used to be one of my favorites but this morning, I suddenly felt hate by it.

I tried to take in a bite and as soon as i did, I rushed into the toilet, throwing up immediately.

"Mina", (Y/N) called, surprised as she stood behind me. I breathed heavily and washed my mouth.

"What’s wrong with you?", She asked.

"I just don’t feel like eating the meal", I replied, facing the wash basin.

I didn’t hear a word from her and I turned to see her staring interested at me. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"What’s wrong?", I asked, wondering why she was staring at me that way.

"Do you take pills each time you have an intercourse with Chaeyoung?", She asked and I scoffed.

"What pills?", I asked.

"Obviously, you don’t Mina", She gasped.

"Don’t you think you might be pregnant?", I was shock and stuttered backwards.

What is she talking about?
What pregnant?.

"Mina", She called and tried coming close to me but I moved away.

"’re obviously possessing the symptoms of pregnancy", She said.

"Hold on", She said and suddenly ran out of the room. I went back to the bedroom and sat on the bed. What is she up to?.

How can she even say such a thing? Who the hell’s pregnant?. I shook my head and looked at the food. Just staring at it was making me wanna puke again.

I sighed and took my eyes away. The door opened after a little while and (Y/N) came in, holding something that looked like a piece of paper. I stood up immediately.

"Mina", She called as she stood in front of me.

"This is a called a test tube. You need to carry out an PT?".

"PT what?", I asked with a confused face.

"It’s called Pregnancy Test. It’s a way of knowing if you’re pregnant or not", She replied and tried fixing it into my hand but I rejected.

"I don’t need it".

"You just have to be sure, Mina. It isn’t gonna do a thing to you. You need to be on the safer side", She said and forcefully fixed it into my hand.

"Here’s how to make use of it. Go into the toilet, wee in a bottle or something then insert the tube into the urine and watch out for the red lines".

"If it shows just one line, then it’s negative but if the line comes up two, then it’s positive. Come on try it", She explained. I looked at her and shook my head.

"But I~".

"Come on Mina, this is for your own good. Do it", She cut me off and gave me a persuade look.

It sounded insane. I gave her a hard stare and finally walked into the toilet room.

Why would she want me to carry out a pregnancy test?.

I can’t be pregnant. It’s just isn’t possible. I can’t be pregnant. Of course, not. Maybe I just needed to do the test after all.

I wee into a small container and inserted the test tube like she said. The first line came up immediately and at that moment, I suddenly became scared.

As I held the test tube. I could only see one line.
According to her, that means it was negative, right?
I started breathing heavily and nervously. Yes! It was negative.

Of course. Gosh!.

I brought out the tube from the bottle and threw the urine away. Oh, goodness! How could (Y/N) try to make me this scared?.

I should probably show the result to her. I looked back at the test tube in my hand and saw something that almost made me scream.

The lines. The second line. It did came up.

There were two lines!.


A/N: Sorry if there were typos and grammatical errors.

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