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I walked into the room with the cup of coffee and as expected, I found him sitting and staring at her.

For a moment, I paused by the door and looked at Chaeyoung.

I don’t know what the hell happened. He just returned home last night with Mina, wounded and unconscious and since then he hasn’t left her sight.

He’s just sitting in front of the bed, staring into her face. I gulped and walked fully into the room.

"Sir, I’ve gotten your coffee ready", I said with a slight bow and he sighed.

"You can leave it there on the table", He said without looking at me and I bowed and reached for the table.

What is it about this lady, huh? Why does she want to ruin my plans?.

I mean, Chaeyoung has been paying too much attention to her. He never uses a lady more than once but with this Mina, it’s different.

I had so many dreams, I’ve been praying for the day he would finally get to like me, but Mina is trying to make all my efforts go down.

I angrily put the coffee on the table and turned around to have a look at them.
What happened to her, anyway? I wish it just brings an end to her life.

I sniffed and was about walking out of the room when Chaeyoung called me back.

"Somi", He called and I stopped to look at him nervously.

He didn’t say anything for a while and slowly, he turned his chair and faced me.

"I want you to erase such thoughts from your mind Somi, they’re pointless", He said and I flinched. What’s he talking about?

"What you want? you and I, it’s never gonna happen. So, it would be best if you stopped thinking so cheaply", He added and my heart skipped.

What? I looked at him in shock. Did he really say that to me?.

He turned back to facing Mina and slowly I left the room, trying not to shed a tear in front of him.



I stared into Mina's face as she slept. When will she ever wake up?.

I had already gotten her wound treated and she’s supposed to be awake any moment from now but what’s delaying her?.

I sighed and touched my hair. I just needed answers. I wanted to confirm all what I heard.

Why would she risk her life for mine? Did she really do it?.

I’m her greatest enemy. I had her mother locked up, forced myself on her, what reason would she have for saving my life?.

I’m not feeling sympathy for her. I mean, I’m not supposed to feel sympathy for people. I just want to know the truth.

I stood up and went to the table where my coffee was kept. I took it up and drank from it.

For the first time ever, I felt tired. What happened to me when Mina was hit by the dagger? I mean, it’s normal for me to get that angry but why did it happen because of her?.

I placed my both hands on the table and tilted my head. The thought tried hitting at me but I didn’t give it a chance.

No. I really needed answers.

Suddenly I felt her come awake. Yes! I could feel her.

I quickly turned to look at her and there I found her eyes weakly opened on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

She’s awake.



I entered into my car and took off immediately and as I did, hot tears rolled down my cheeks.

Chaeyoung's words created a scar on my chest and at that moment, I just needed to be away.

What you want? you and I, it’s never gonna happen. So, it would be best if you stopped thinking so cheaply.

I bent my head. So, he’s trying to say there’s no hope for the both of us? But I really liked him a lot.

Is it because of that Mina witch? I thought she was someone he hated? So what happened?.

The words kept replaying in my head and left me really hurt and heartbroken. Why would he say that to me?.

I was still driving when suddenly I saw something strange that made me screech to a stop.

No, not something strange. It was a car that was parked carelessly on the middle of the road and that way, my car couldn’t pass.

What the heck?.

I wiped my face to have a proper look and saw a man leaning on the car blocking the road.

I looked at him but he didn’t move. Instead he just kept his hands crossed and stared at me. Then I opened the door of my car and came out.

"Hey! what’s the meaning of this? Have you lost your mind?", I asked angrily and he smiled.

"Good day, beautiful", He said and started walking towards me.

"You can store your greeting and get your car off the road first", I snapped.

"Come on, Somi a little patience, okay?", He said and I flinched. How did he know my name?.

I became mute and just stared at him. Then he walked up to where I was and stop In front of me, putting on a charming smile.

"First", He said and inserted his hands into his pants pockets.

"You can call me Taehyung and secondly there’s something important you’re gonna do for me".


A/N: Sorry if there were typos and grammatical errors.

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